Changing between Vulkan & DX11 (and possibly vice versa) causes text errors

Bug #: 2,873,484,296

Note #1: Don't close the client after changing from Vulkan to DX11, or this bug fixes itself. I have not tested swapping between DX11 to Vulkan, but I believe (and am 99% sure) that this bug can be replicated by swapping that way, too.
Note #2: Only affects loading screens - items dropped, in stashes, equipped, et al. - are fine. This affects ALL loading screens with custom "loading" text on 'em. Area names are displayed fine.

One example (I'm not going through every single zone (and map/vaal side zone) - this WILL be present in POE2 if this isn't fixed now):

Edit #3: Entering "X" zone text, is also bugged in the same exact way. There's no way for me to screenshot this without a better PC.

here's proof that items are fine, with no issues with text corruption

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO "patch" This out by requiring a client restart, as THAT will introduce a new bug.
Last edited by bvanharjr on Jun 3, 2020, 11:21:48 PM
Last bumped on Jun 4, 2020, 7:38:32 AM
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bvanharjr wrote:
Bug #: 2,873,484,296

Note #1: Don't close the client after changing from Vulkan to DX11, or this bug fixes itself. I have not tested swapping between DX11 to Vulkan, but I believe (and am 99% sure) that this bug can be replicated by swapping that way, too.
Note #2: Only affects loading screens - items dropped, in stashes, equipped, et al. - are fine. This affects ALL loading screens with custom "loading" text on 'em. Area names are displayed fine.

One example (I'm not going through every single zone (and map/vaal side zone) - this WILL be present in POE2 if this isn't fixed now):

Edit #3: Entering "X" zone text, is also bugged in the same exact way. There's no way for me to screenshot this without a better PC.

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