[HELP ME] Make me be a better cyclone berserk (with axe) guy.

This is the pastebin. Im new doing this, hope the link is right.

In case i did something wrong, im searching for someone to look into my build used by the char MadLinx. Im a berserker, cyclone, vaal axe (two hands), and i use Herald of ashes too (dont know if i should, but i use it).

So, take a look into my char, my tree, all you want to give me tips to help this guy be better. I feel like all other cyclones give more damage than i do, so how can i improve?

In advance, thank you who choose to help this noob.
You get alot more dps with crit build. That axe is bad for crit build. Full phy +impale kill bosses fastest. 800k dps is bad for berserker.
You have Brutality in your 6L which means Cyclone cannot benefit from Hatred and Herald of Ash. If you switch it out for Melee Phys support you about get about +540k dps on PoB.

It also shows Bloodlust giving you an extra 1.2mil dps. Not sure how PoB is counting the target as bleeding, you'd need to verify.
Last edited by Dak01 on Jul 15, 2020, 4:51:12 AM

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