Secret Red Flag Shop

Greetings. There is a number of good and decent items i have, so check it out and pm me if you find anything worthy of buying.

Basic Rares (cost < 20 chaos)

Simple yet useful items. Great for cheap leveling and finishing the acts 1 - 10.

↑ ~price 2 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 20 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 16 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 20 chaos

Decent Rares (cost 20 - 100 chaos)

Quite good items, which can allow you to feel yourself confident on white and even yellow maps (tiers 1 - 10). all items' prices are fixed. no bargaining.

↑ ~price 25 chaos

↑ ~price 35 chaos

↑ ~price 20 chaos

↑ ~price 35 chaos. Two tier-2 resistances + top roll tier-2 max life + tier-1 regen + max implicit and more than 900 armour.

↑ ~price 25 chaos

↑ ~price 35 chaos. Two tier-1 prefixes (with + 73 Max. Life) + one tier-1 suffix + open master craft

↑ ~price 40 chaos

↑ ~price 65 chaos

↑ ~price 50 chaos. 326 pDPS, 5.65% crit chance, 1.75 APS

↑ ~price 50 chaos

↑ ~price 55 chaos

↑ ~price 70 chaos

Basic Uniques (cost < 20 chaos)

Essential items for low-level characters

↑ ~price 18 chaos

↑ ~price 10 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 8 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 10 chaos and 20 chaos

↑ ~price 10 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 6 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 9 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 6 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 8 chaos (corrupted) and 14 chaos (uncorrupted)

↑ ~price 12 chaos

↑ ~price 5 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 14 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 20 chaos (each)

Decent Uniques (cost 20 - 150 chaos)

Popular, build-forming or uncommon unique items which can be the thing you are looking for.

↑ ~price 65 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 50 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 110 chaos

↑ ~price 70 chaos (each)

↑ ~price 60 chaos (each)

Expensive Items

Haggling is possible

↓ 118 life, 890 armour, + good lightning resistance and intelligence. ~price 3.5 EXA

↓ 387 pDPS, 7.04% crit chance, 1.97 APS. ~price 8 EXA

↓ CORRUPTED (no changes, except for two white sockets), LEGACY (with attack speed), all perfect rolls. ~price 10.5 EXA

↓ level 3, CORRUPTED (no changes). ~price 2 EXA

↓ NON-LEGACY, 6-linked, 28% quality, 3 white sockets, perfect life roll, perfect damage roll, almost perfect armour and evasion (119%/120%). There are no non-corrupted default lightning coils better than this one on perm HC. ~price 29 EXA

↓ LEGACY, perfect multiplier roll (225%), perfect attributes (25). Price - your offers (VERY expensive).

All items are available! Big thanks to @HitMeHitMeHitMeHitMe (TomTomBoBo) for renewing this thread. As always - make me an offer if you want to buy anything: pm on this site or add me in the game - "the_worst_human_being". If you buy 3 or more items at once i will make a 15% discount. Thank you!
Last edited by ad0lescence on May 14, 2020, 4:41:13 AM
Last bumped on May 30, 2020, 8:24:53 PM

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