Possible mirror tier herald ammy?

Sooo...Had some exalts to waste, alt spammed the mods, awakener orb-ed, hit a good annul on a suffix, crafted suffixes cannot be changed, used a chaos and voila, hit T1 crit with double dmg mod. The question is, is this worth a mirror thread or nah?
Last edited by braven92 on Apr 28, 2020, 5:18:20 PM
Last bumped on Apr 30, 2020, 12:28:00 AM
It's really good but to be mirror tier it would need at least ele pen and something else. There are already a few with the rmr/vitality/% es/ pen.
There's no powercreep here. Creep implies it's slow and could be overlooked, this is a full out sprint.

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