-21474836.00 DPS in character/offence tab

Sorry for bad image quality, taken from a discord stream from a guildmate.
Herald stacking isn't a bug (apparently) but if you do so you can get pretty high damage numbers, and it maxes out the 32bit int limit of a variable (i assume) used for storing some kind of visual related number.
The bug is purely cosmetic and you still oneshot everything but you cant see your dps accurately in your character tab.
Last edited by Onichan1337 on Apr 26, 2020, 1:19:56 AM
Last bumped on Apr 26, 2020, 2:10:24 AM
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Hey GGG, seems like it's time to start using UInt64, and prepare for transition to biginteger.

Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9 on Apr 26, 2020, 10:57:48 PM

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