Bleed Bow Craft Question

exalted t1 crit multi , is there any bleed + crit builds ?

Last bumped on May 1, 2020, 9:24:47 AM
any advices ?
There's no reason to go crit on a bleed build. Most bleed bow characters use Resolute Technique so they don't have to worry about stacking accuracy. It's a useless mod since it won't affect the resulting ailment
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.

What about this?
shubutnoi wrote:

What about this?

If you use that bow there's no point in having an elder bow, no?
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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There's no reason to go crit on a bleed build. Most bleed bow characters use Resolute Technique so they don't have to worry about stacking accuracy. It's a useless mod since it won't affect the resulting ailment

I dont understand this last part. Viewing the char sheet in the game there is a bleeding damage with critical value, or do you mean it is only useless when using resolute technique?

About the bow OP showed, with the 60% chance for damage with weapon to deal 100% more damage, what is the difference from that mod to "#% increased Damage with Bleeding" from warlords influence? Wouldnt it be better as there is no percentage chance?
And by 100%, is the damage doubled or it increases only the base damage or something like that with adrenaline?

RGPires wrote:

There's no reason to go crit on a bleed build. Most bleed bow characters use Resolute Technique so they don't have to worry about stacking accuracy. It's a useless mod since it won't affect the resulting ailment

I dont understand this last part. Viewing the char sheet in the game there is a bleeding damage with critical value, or do you mean it is only useless when using resolute technique?

About the bow OP showed, with the 60% chance for damage with weapon to deal 100% more damage, what is the difference from that mod to "#% increased Damage with Bleeding" from warlords influence? Wouldnt it be better as there is no percentage chance?
And by 100%, is the damage doubled or it increases only the base damage or something like that with adrenaline?

It has a minuscule effect on the resulting bleeding effect. Most bleed skills like Puncture have a low hit damage and a big resulting bleed ailment. Crit will enhance the on-hit damage. If my bleed bow gladiator somehow gained 50% crit chance (up from 0% due to RT) he'd be dealing about 5 or 6% more damage. Get those bleed nodes and get those bleed mods instead of useless crit

Just try it yourself in PoB. Make a character with Puncture / Split Arrow and test it for yourself
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Just try it yourself in PoB. Make a character with Puncture / Split Arrow and test it for yourself

Im assuming this is for the bow question. I tried it in PoB, however this specific elder mod doesnt change the calculation for bleed damage. I could do the math by hand, or use different mods in PoB to simulate the effect, but im not sure how the elder increase is applied. I mean, does it sum with the other increases for like 800% increase on the base damage (increasing the dps from x7.0 to 8.0, this is how warlords would work), or is it an increase of the end result doubling the damage (from x7.0 to x14.0)? Im assuming it is the later by how the mod is worded.
Last edited by RGPires on Apr 30, 2020, 9:19:13 AM
RGPires wrote:
Just try it yourself in PoB. Make a character with Puncture / Split Arrow and test it for yourself

Im assuming this is for the bow question. I tried it in PoB, however this specific elder mod doesnt change the calculation for bleed damage. I could do the math by hand, or use different mods in PoB to simulate the effect, but im not sure how the elder increase is applied. I mean, does it sum with the other increases for like 800% increase on the base damage (increasing the dps from x7.0 to 8.0, this is how warlords would work), or is it an increase of the end result doubling the damage (from x7.0 to x14.0)? Im assuming it is the later by how the mod is worded.

1) search for and install LocalIdentity branch of PoB it has all the goodies and calculates that mod as well

2) it's basically a 60% more damage with bleeding multiplier
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Nice, didnt know there was another version. Thanks, will try.

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