Crazy rolled Hunter Belt!!!

Yo disclaimer new player here (this is my first league).

I just looted this crazy rolled belt from Sirus today and I want some pro oppinions on its worth. I know the base isnt great but it has 5 t1 rolls, ilvl 86 and hunter influence!

Last edited by Polydorax on Apr 24, 2020, 1:25:47 PM
Last bumped on May 1, 2020, 1:23:06 PM
MourningBlade wrote:
Yo...this is your first league...but you are a closed beta supporter?

So this is the first time you played in a league, or Yo you are a new player?

Yo...nice belt!

Ye everytime I make a new post claiming I am a new player someone asks me that...

I know its weird but I actually played in closed beta for some time but never played the game again up untill now...
Ignore the influence as IT has no interesting influence mod on it.
Craft Something and then do a simple pc on trade Site.
Ignore the base, as its Bad for a item without high Str Suffix.
That belt is noob lol

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