Stacksize UI bug (Quad Tab)

I dropped an ex earlier, dropped it in my quad tab, I could swear it said I had 7 of them, I thought that I was just miss reading it.

I then had 2 more exalts later on and placed them in the same quad tab, now it's showing as 9, when I mouse over the exalt stack, the ui next to the art remains as 9, but the tooltip shows 3/10.
Last bumped on Apr 12, 2020, 1:31:45 PM
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Just as another followup

76 chaos orbs
? amount of clear oils

All the other currency being wrong, it shows the correct amount in my inventory, any other tab BESIDES quad tabs, seems bugged for all quad tabs.

I don't know if it's a translation thing or what, but some of your currency stacks have symbols like "=" or ";" and not just numbers.
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