Fully automated Blade Blast build with defensive twists (small budget)

Hi everybody,
here is my take on the new Blade Blast and as you will see it has some nice twists..

I'll try to keep it as compact and informative as possible. Let's go!


The concept of the build.

On the offensive site, we use the new Blade Blast skill in combination with Bladefall. The main idea, which separates this build from others is to use the 'Trigger socketed spells when you use a skill' veiled mod from the crafting bench to automate the casting of Blade Blast. In other words, we just self-cast Bladefall like a normal Bladefall build and every ~3s a big Blade Blast goes off detonating 40 blades in a row. It feels like an automated vaal skill which is triggered every 3 seconds and annihilates the whole screen (including bosses).
On the defensive site, we combine the 'Tempered by War' keystone from the Lethal Pride timeless jewel with Cowl of the Cryophile and a talisman which converts half of the lightning damage taken to fire (see gear section) to drastically mitigate all incoming elemental damage. This way we can achieve elemental damage mitigation corresponding to:
- 90% max fire resistance
- 82,5% max cold resistance
- 90% max lightning resistance
Moreover, cold and lighting penetration from monsters doesn't matter for this build, which trivializes a couple of encounters.
Combined with the Cloak of Flame, the Taste of Hate and the inherent safety of the Chieftain class, we obtain a defensive monster..


Brief overview:

This is just a short presentation of my gear and skill tree. If you want to find out how exactly everything works together read the explanations below.

My gear:

My skilltree:



Which items are absolutly necessary?

The only thing that you really need is a bow (or staff) with the veiled mod 'Trigger socketed spells when you use a skill'. It should be at least a 5-link preferably a 6-link. I bought a 6-linked bow for 20c and crafted it with an essence of woe. I was lucky enough to hit the +1 to socketed gems on the first try (which is basically the only normal mod which suits us), which is a nice addon but not necessary at all.

These items are nice to have as well:

This is the reason, I use a bow and provides a substantial damage boost for 1c.
In order to switch to our defensive setup, you need:
- a Lethal Pride jewel when sacrificed in the name of "Rakiata"

Due to the talisman and the 'Tempered by War' keystone from Lethal Pride, we take all lightning damage as fire damage, so we don't need to worry about lightning resistance. Note that this does not include lighting damage over time. But the only sources of lightning dot are the crusader runes, the shaper beam and one map boss (forgot the name) which shoots a lightning beam and these are easy to avoid.
Due to the Cowl of the Cryophile our cold resistance is always 75%. So in summary, we don't need ANY cold or lighting resistance from our gear. Moreover, fire resistance is not a problem as well due to the Tasalio, CLeansing Water keystone from the Chieftain.
Since now most of our damage is mitigated by fire resistance, we want to increase it as much as possible. For this purpose, we add
- two small cluster jewels with the 'Molton One's Mark' notable

as soon as we can afford it. In addition, the rings significantly boost our damage.
In the ideal case, we can also replace the boots by something like this

with life, movement speed and possibly chaos resistance. You can try to craft one with the Aberrant, Scorched, Pristine (and eventually the more expensive Shuddering) fossils.
In order to mitigate physical damage, we use

In total, we take 50% of physical damage as elemtal damage. Add 4 endurance charges and Arctic Armour and you can guess how tanky we can get..
Last but not least, this belt offers a lot of nice quality of life features:


Other gear choices

We use the gloves to get some dexterity, life and as much chaos resistance as possible, since chaos damage if our only weakness.


Defence & Utility

In summary, we have the following defensive layers:
We mitigate more than half of the physical damage by:
- 30% of physical damage is taken as fire damage;
- 20% of physical damage is taken as cold damage (with Taste of Hate);
- 4 endurance charges by using Enduring Cry on our left mouse button;
- Arctic Armour.
We mitigate more than two thirds of the elemental damage by:
- taking all lightning and half of the cold damage as fire damage;
- 90% fire resistance;
- Arctic Armour.
In addition we use:
- Steelskin;
- Temporal Chains;
- Chaos Golem.

Moreover, we replenish our life pool with the help of a more than decent life regeneration from the chieftain class and the skill tree and the life leech from the 'Hinekora, Death's Fury' notable. This is multiplied by 1.7 due to the life increased life recovery rate from The Flow Untethered and Tasalio, Cleansing Water (which is almost always up since we convert all damage expect chaos damage partly to fire damage).

Also I suggest to use the fully upgraded Soul of Arakaali (Pantheon) for more chaos mitigation and shock resistance.


Skill-gems & Setups


- Bladefall, Combustion, Spell Echo, Arcane Surge, Spell Cascade, Inspiration

Blade Blast

- Bladefall, Elemental Focus, Controlled Destruction, Concentrated Effect, Added Fire Damage, Fire Penetration

Applying Curses, etc.

- Cast when Damage Taken, Withering Step, Wave of Conviction, Temporal Chains

Cast when Damage Taken is at level 1 and the level of the other gems is adjusted accordingly.

Aruas, etc.

- Herald of Ash, Purity of Fire, Clarity, Arctic Armour, Enlighten

Note that the Purity of Fire aura comes from the boots. Unfortunately, it is not effected by the Enlighten support socketed in the boots. This might be a bug?

Enduring Cry, Steelskin, Chaos Golem,
Flame Dash

As I said, I have Enduring Cry on my left mouse button.
Moreover, I haven't fully decided which golem to use yet and still switch between stone, chaos, fire and lightning golem from time to time.


Skill-tree & Ascendancy Nodes

Ascendancy Nodes:

- Ngamahu
- Hinekora
- Tasalio
- Ramako




Frequently asked questions:

This sounds nice in theory but does it really work?
Oh yes it does!! ..and it feels really satisfying to annihilate the whole screen with blades raining from the sky and detonating on the ground.

How should I level this build?
You can easily level this build as a normal chieftain blade vortex build (use vaal blade vortex) with normal resistances. Then you can switch to the Bladefall/Blade Blast setup as soon as you have a suitable weapon. Later on you can switch to the defensive setup, when you can afford a lethal pride jewel.

Is the build beginner friendly?
In general, I'd say it is. However, I am a casual player and although I will try to check this thread throughout the next weeks, I can't promise to provide much help or updates, so you should be sure to understand everything on your own.


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Last edited by limonenovecento on Mar 30, 2020, 4:22:48 AM
Last bumped on Jun 6, 2020, 2:59:13 AM
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