Trying to find out what these boots might be worth

Last edited by War_Reaver on Mar 20, 2020, 9:12:16 PM
Last bumped on Mar 21, 2020, 10:13:18 AM
Maybe 3-4 Chaos maybe on SSF Delirium?
There are about 100 other boots similar to this one. Most haven't been sold for 2-3 days.
If you want to sell it quick then put it at 2-3 chaos then.

For the future:
Use the official POE Trade site
input the name of the item.
On the right add in the prefixes/suffixes
Then compare with others.
Last edited by BHwong on Mar 20, 2020, 9:49:09 PM
I did put the stats in poe official trade. The closest thing is 1.2ex and that is because it is a tri res. I didn't see 100's. There was one that was close to it.
if mov speed was 30% then it would be worth a lot more
War_Reaver wrote:
I did put the stats in poe official trade. The closest thing is 1.2ex and that is because it is a tri res. I didn't see 100's. There was one that was close to it.

Dual res and tri-res are like night and day in value.
Also the %ms makes a huge difference. Most people want that 30% minimum.

2-3 chaos sounds right.
Tri res or dual res doesn´t matter, only total amount of res does.
I would say at least 20-30c (4-linked already, EVA base).
Last edited by Rakiii on Mar 21, 2020, 5:15:02 AM
if they dont have 30+ % MS they are vendor trash
X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett :'(
the 1-5c bunch are right for SC, might get a little more in HC but i doubt it.

I'd have stashed those as entry boots for my next character but I doubt i'd have put them straight up for sale.

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