3.10 Hardcore bosser, high tier content animate weapon juggernaut. easy starter gg end potential

Hi all this is Jauer. i consider my self a veteran hardcore player that mainly focus on the hardest content and have succesfull farmed all top tier bosses to lvl 100 for several leagues in a row.

Sharing my starter build:
The requirement for my build thourts are:
Easy starter with no gear need. easy transformation into mapping and being able to take on hard content fast.
Really good scaling when starting to gear propperly with the endresult of being able to farm all high tier bosses with ease and make alot of currency.

with new buffs to animate weapon i forsee this build to perform like Skellys did in 3.9 but with better map clear.

The main part is your able to spawn blades to substain animate weapons. with bladefall or ek. the blades you spawn is equiv to a high tier 1h dagger damage wise.

chosing the Jug gives the build maby not the highest damage potential, but extreme tier of tankyness.

the build uses baron helmet to get to 1k str for having a insain life leech recovery + juggernaut regen+ having an army of tanky mobs around you + endurance charges making it very hard to kill.

If the Animate weapons hold its promises this should all perform well..

The weakpoint of the build is you need abit lvled before you get minion notes so early lvling is propperly gonna be regular melee. with abit respec.

damage output
ill post a final endgame POB here. this damage should hopefully be 3x more with the accually new animate weapon gem. but with lvl 100 tree and godtier gear. we look at 300k pr animate weapon add 14 blades and you should end with
4.2 mill. realistic damage for long is maby 2 mill but thats really good for any tanky endgame HC bosser.

Hp wise we end up with up to 8k life, without using kaoms heart.
8 endurance charges(9 with annoint) and 2k life+ maby 2k zombie leech, animate guardian cull and free fortify. this build should be able to lauch at all bosses including awakener, uber elder. it should also be able to farm all delve down to X debt(400-500?) where damage just get rediculess.

POB. this is like the maxed out godtier gear. but nothing here is required for it to work. you can swap on any regular gear and upgrade as you go.


one option is if the Animate weapon dont work great or dislike it is to switch to my nebuloch jug with tectonic slam. its as strong as ever and battle proven for easy lvl 100 HC.
Last bumped on Mar 23, 2020, 2:43:11 PM
I am experimenting with similiar build atm. in non HC. There is a potential to make some kind of workable build. Still i am propably going sticking to ethereal knives instead of bladefall. Most likely going to stick something along EB+echo+faster casting, poison, curse on hit, enfeeble or dps curse and run Herald of Agony and Herald of Purity for extra DPS/clear speed.
Asheren wrote:
I am experimenting with similiar build atm. in non HC. There is a potential to make some kind of workable build. Still i am propably going sticking to ethereal knives instead of bladefall. Most likely going to stick something along EB+echo+faster casting, poison, curse on hit, enfeeble or dps curse and run Herald of Agony and Herald of Purity for extra DPS/clear speed.

im experimenting to. the build work fine. and im very tanky 6k life at lvl 83 and was able to easy uber lab in hc at lvl 80. keeping blades and other minions alive is abit issue. and enduring mana flask fixes my mana stuff.. it will work but maby it will struggle on red tier-- we will see
Asheren wrote:
I am experimenting with similiar build atm. in non HC. There is a potential to make some kind of workable build. Still i am propably going sticking to ethereal knives instead of bladefall. Most likely going to stick something along EB+echo+faster casting, poison, curse on hit, enfeeble or dps curse and run Herald of Agony and Herald of Purity for extra DPS/clear speed.

im experimenting to. the build work fine. and im very tanky 6k life at lvl 83 and was able to easy uber lab in hc at lvl 80. keeping blades and other minions alive is abit issue. and enduring mana flask fixes my mana stuff.. it will work but maby it will struggle on red tier-- we will see

I have picked up some duration nodes with minor investment 76s duration blades last for a while. With some spare currency will propably try a staff with cast on skill.

Yeah tank is pretty strong had no serious problems despite garbage gear. Clear speed is also reasonable.

Might also try new cluster jewel with +max resists. It will depend if i can perma run immortal call.
Last edited by Asheren on Mar 15, 2020, 3:10:10 PM
Small update still working on some upgrades etc. soo far conquerors first and second ecounters were a breeze. Its clearly a workable league starter at least.
Last edited by Asheren on Mar 23, 2020, 12:33:44 PM
i decided to switch to nebuloch jug. so i also kept that guide up to date. i think Animate weapons can work on jug. just need some nice cluster jewel combos

Yeah i am using minion dmg, minion life and life cluster jewels.
Last edited by Asheren on Mar 23, 2020, 2:43:42 PM

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