Random (?) Lettes Appearing on Prophecy Menu Buttons # 1,373,575,570

I noticed that the buttons in the prophecy menu were not appearing correctly after seeking my first prophecy with Navali on anew character. Instead of "Seal" and "Seek," the buttons say. "[Removed by Support]" and "N`F" (sic). Closing and opening the menu did not correct the issue.

Bug report number: 1,373,575,570

[Removed by Support]

PC: Windows 10, GPU: Radeon 6950, CPU: Core i7 870, RAM: 12GB 1600MHz
Last edited by Pirateninjaspaceship on Mar 2, 2020, 1:02:35 PM
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2020, 6:31:10 PM
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known bug, restart your client & that'll go away.

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