OneAutumnLeaf recruiting in Jiashi Ru/Eng

Im expirienced player and known boss killer(i believe), i did 1111+ sirus kills for first month and way more at previous leagues, also doing craft service.

I will not say any nice word here like we are all friends blah blah blah, i want you to help me if i will need something like veiled items first few days from league start and u call me as carry if you cannot defeat boss. Cant say anything about other peoples but u will get any service from me for free or i will answer at your questions.No, i wont babysit you if u are completely new or want something every 5minutes. No discord channel. We are not looking for friends but we are looking for peoples we can talk about game.

You can flex with anything u want to in guild chat.
I dont mind you to be totally trashtalking kid as long as you are helping to someone.
You have to play more than 5minute per day.
You cant ask any item/currency(except start trash like wanderlust etc), if you want something from peoples be ready to pay(or just grind more, huh).
Once i will hear you are scammer - you will be kicked.
If you are offline for long time for first 1.5/2 month - you will be kicked.
If you are total noob - you will be kicked, watch video guides, dont waste our time.
If you cares about Kobe Bryant death or i will understand that u are 30iq guy - you will be kicked.
If you are anime hater - you will be kicked.

In other words - be active, dont be autist, nothing else you need to do.

Ye i know my english is bad, ye i dont care what you think about all this stuff, its just things i want to say.

How to join guild - pm me ingame @OneAutumnLeaf or at forum as private message, if you will type your nickname at this thread i wont invite you.

ps atm guild is almost empty

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