Minor visual bug: Remaining sextant charges not updating in atlas view (3.241.786.313)


situation: Valdo's Rest. Conquerer influence (green).

Put 4 simple sextants on the watchstones and opened a map. During that I had the atlas open and now it shows 3 remaining uses when howering over a map icon / whereas (the correct) 2 remaining uses when howering over the watchstone.

Switching zones updates the information. So it's just a minor issue.

Erenor / Kaenro / Xharos / Darksidious / Apoorman / Tarparina

To see whether I'm currently online: poestatistics.com/users/erenor
Last edited by Erenor on Jan 10, 2020, 9:21:45 AM
Last bumped on Jan 10, 2020, 9:19:30 AM
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