Getting oneshotted by white mobs while having 4,4k and max res

Hello Exiles,

i have a problem, my Magma Orb Inquisitor reached maps today.

On T6 maps i literally get one shotted by normal white mobs, no elemental reflect etc:

Here is my Pastbin:

My first thought was the i get increased taken spell damage, due to the use of Infernal Mantel widowsilk robe, but i am constantly over 50% mana.

I really need help, i dont wanat to delete this charakter.

Many thanks in advance
Last bumped on Jan 3, 2020, 9:26:00 AM
50 Percent mana.

not 50 flat mana.

That was a difficult PoB to chew through.
Hot Flashes:
Shocking EleHit:
Kwitch wrote:
That was a difficult PoB to chew through.
Agreed, OP please clean the import, it has consecrated path build on top of your magma orb, so everything's a mess, 3 times as many auras etc.

It also says 3,6k life with no mind over matter, 800 ES, practically no meaningful evasion or armor, yeah, mobs will eat you for breakfast.

I can't really check defensives of the build in the skills because it's a mess from 2 different builds so no idea what applies and what doesn't. If you're dual wands I imagine no fortify either.

Also zero defensive flasks, only run speed and life? No armor, evasion, dodge or basalt flasks... No freeze or curse removal flasks either.

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