Alva's required rooms to increase her decoration level

I believe i'm into some kind of bug here, last league i needed 10 rooms to increase her level to 6 but now it says i need 60 of them, which seems kinda absurd.
Last bumped on Dec 18, 2019, 6:23:02 AM
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60 rooms are 5 temples. Not that much, considering you only have to do that once and it won't reset woth new leagues.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
Oblitus wrote:
60 rooms are 5 temples. Not that much, considering you only have to do that once and it won't reset woth new leagues.

Yeah it might not be much, but considering they weren't supposed to reset with new league but mine apparently did and 6-times over what it was meant to be, it still isn't doable btw because 60 rooms unexplored, remember that you can't repeat the rooms, there aren't even near as many as 60 different rooms to explore in the temple. And even if there are, am i supposed to spend the whole league doing this and not actual worthy rooms like sacrifice chambers and stuff?

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