Can't enter Cavern of Anger Act 6

Getting "Failed to join any instances" error.
When I control click and try to force a new instance open I still get the error.

Edit: Tried going go a character in Standard League, worked fine. Switched back, and I still can't join.

Edit2: ran a traceroute. Idk what any of it means, was suggested to do it.
Last edited by Peacerino on Dec 14, 2019, 10:10:47 PM
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2019, 12:40:29 PM
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i cant enter Oriath Square in act 5 either. tried everything but uninstalling the game.
hyperwheeze wrote:
i cant enter Oriath Square in act 5 either. tried everything but uninstalling the game.
Im not gonna reinstall, but if you do, lmk how it goes.
Having the same problem. Playing on Metamorph league with a Witch. When I try to enter I get an error message

Error: Failed to join any instances.

When I Ctrl click the entrance, it comes up with the option to create a new instance. I click that, get the same error.

Have tried logging out and back in.

Have tried changing servers.

Tried a Standard character (who had already been through the area) and there was no problem. Seems to be either league specific or character specific.

No idea what to do next.
Saw another post about a conflict with the Hidden Vaal Pathways prophecy. Sealed it, and now I can go to the Cavern of Anger with no problems.

Try that.
barcioni wrote:
Saw another post about a conflict with the Hidden Vaal Pathways prophecy. Sealed it, and now I can go to the Cavern of Anger with no problems.

Try that.

GOAT right here, I'd have never thought of that. Thanks

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