SSF Diaries || Metamorph || 36/40

#1 -- Press_F_For_Balance -- Fireball Miner
Level 90

Before Respecc (Ignite Fireball Trickster):

#2 -- Press_G_For_Atlas -- Freezing Pulse Totem Hierophant
Level 91

#3 -- Press_C_For_Character -- Skellymancer
Level 95

#4 -- Press_H_For_Challenges -- Galvanic Arrow Deadeye
Level 70

#5 -- Press_Alt_For_Wisdom -- Spectral Shield Throw Champion
Level 90

#6 -- IndiGoGo_Nova -- Indigon Ice Nova
Level 85 Hierophant

#7 -- Here_Before_The_Nerfs -- The Baron Zombie Summoner
Level 90 Guardian

#8 -- Inpulsas_Broken_Build -- Blade Vortex Elementalist
Level 69 Elementalist

#9 -- Really_Dude_Another_One -- Essence Drain Trickster
Level 87 Trickster (SSF-HC)
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Mar 9, 2020, 4:50:12 PM
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2020, 10:05:17 AM
In-depth character talk:

IndiGoGo_Nova -- Level 80 Indigon Icenova Hierophant

My first Uber Elder gave me an Indigon, so I thought I'd try and make something with it. Decided for a Hierophant with loads of mana, ES and recovery and it's scaling up quite well.

I have 5.4k unreserved mana right now and 1.1k mana/s. Add the mana recovery from the flask and you can see it's simply a lot. Huge AoE as well thanks to Hierophant ascendancy + Awakend IncAoE + Intensify.

The build appears to be very flexible in that I can use almost any skill with it that has an area, so I'll be playing around with it for a good while. Right now, Frostbolt + Icenova looks best to me, but I have plans for Shock Nova, Divine Ire and Glacial Cascade as well. I'll record a video once I feel I'm all set up and familiar with the build.

Press_Alt_For_Wisdom -- Level 90 Spectral Shield Throw Champion


Divide and Conquer - Threshold Jewel for Spectral Shield Throw
Watcher's Eye - 2x Pride (Intimidate + Attack Damage)

40k Armour and 60% Block

The thing I noticed when I made my research was that no one plays SST as a Champion with Impales. You either see people run Deadeye for Tailwind, easy accuracy and extra chain or Gladiator for bleed explosions and max spell block.

The thing is though that none of those offer much in terms of single target. Highest DPS on SST I've seen was a guy who uses Eternity Shroud and a bunch of conversion gear with a 2.9k Armour Shield who has about 15 million DPS. Most people seem to be going for clearspeed, but I won't just do that.

PoB damage is around 900k with the current shield. I'm currently looking for a new base to craft on and some Perfect Fossils to do the deed. Hoping to craft a shield with at least 2.6k armour which'd boost my DPS by quite a bit actually.


Press_C_For_Character -- Level 95 Skeleton Necromancer

Your standard skellymancer with emphasis on life and having decent defenses. This character allowed me to do all content up to T16, Shaper, Elder and AL8 Sirus. Skelly nerfs incoming!

I always resented playing Necromancers because I thought it was boring and just stupidly OP, but minion builds have a lot of depth to them when you are looking to min-max a character. I did as much as I could for this guy and ended up with abotu 20mill Shaper DPS on my skellies. Pretty good, eh.

Press_G_For_Atlas -- Level 91 Freezing Pulse Totem Hierophant

This dude is a speedy mapper. EB MoM sustains the heavy mana cost of rotating totems over and over again to keep up the self-curses (large chunk of DPS comes from there). Only real upgrade for this character would be an upgraded Atziri's Mirror so I can switch in Coward's Legacy and get that sweet LL bonus. Till that happens, I sweep some mid-tier maps with him.

Press_F_For_Balance -- Level 90 Fireball Mines Saboteur

Originally, this was a Fireball Ignite Trickster that I started the league with. It worked like a charm and I successfully got into the T8-T10 range with the old character. However, at some point that build stagnated and I made the Hierophant above. I invested some bits into this toon to have something decent to swoop some bosses with since the DPS on miners is still ridiculous and Fireball is a huge oversight for most.

Press_H_For_Challenges -- Level 70 Galvanic Arrow Deadeye

I wanted to make something off-meta'ish and came up with the idea of running Galvanic Arrow with the new Barrage Support since it looked like a good fit. However, I'm not happy with the outcome. So until I come up with a better plan for a ranger, this one will sit on the bench.

The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Feb 11, 2020, 9:25:49 AM

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