Reverse Knockback Totem Ranger - totems get 1 shot

Based on the former idea with a different class:

Hello folks
I was playing around with one of my rangers in STD that got reset passives and thought about making some fun build with it.

I have taken a bit of a different approach on it, but the basics remain the same, Totems, Reversed Knockback.

The only issue I noticed so far is that my totems get ONE SHOT, with ranged attacks or the Righteous fire mobs found in Act 10. Or basicaly with anything that hits stronger than a mosquito O_o

My current passive tree I'm planing to do after 3.9 gets out:

I'm currently at lvl 87, full resistances, +/- 4.5k life

Any ideas what might be wrong with the totems being so easily destroyed?
Oh, yes and one more thing, the dmg is duh... quite low, I can't imagine how they managed to run bosses with this build O_o
and I got even more powerfull passive skill tree than it was in the former build guide... O_o
Playing for joy ♥

If interested, check out my Hideout(s): /view-thread/2226019
Last edited by Moribundus on Dec 12, 2019, 7:36:14 AM
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2019, 7:33:43 AM

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