My SSF Journey [Build List]

Ice Nova Trickster

Lvl: 85

PoB lowest DPS: 186000 *
PoB highest DPS: 48300 **
PoB planned DPS: >1000000 ***

Bandits: Alira


Vaal Ice Nova + Added Cold Dmg + Spell Echo + Conc Effect + Cold to Fire + Controlled Destruction
Vaal RF + Ele Focus + Conc Effect + Burning Dmg
Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify
CwDT + Lightning Golem + Steelskin
Wave of Conviction + Curse on Hit + Ele Weakness + Arc Surge
Herald of Ice, Zealotry, Rallying Cry

Controlled Destruction is waiting for 6 link and CwDT doesn't work for now, cause I wanted to lvl steelskin and golem up to 20 to swap them, but don't know if that was a great idea. Lvling takes ages and by now I learned to resummon golem by myself and click steelskin whenever I need it, so I don't need CwDT at all, but Arcane Surge should probably stay low lvl without that 10% dmg bonus from quality, which I am not sure I'll be getting before Blight ends. Choices, mistakes, lesson learned, blah blah blah...


Skilltree: click!

I was just thinking about starting SSF next league and couldn't throw Venom Gyre Trickster out of my mind - I played it a little and it felt really good, so I want to start 3.9 with it. Didn't want to do it now, because I get bored by one build really easy (usually lvling gems to 20 twice is too long for me). So, I tried to think of skill I didn't have a chance to play much. I have water MTX for Ice Nova and haven't really seen people playing it without frostbolt.

I can say now that this is not an easy skill for me. I am not God in this game - making strong builds which can survive t16 is really hard for me, but this league (in trade) I've got there. Ice Nova can be strong but it's not ranged skill without frostbolt, and I don't really like casting it on projectiles, so defences should be my prority. I'm dying on t9 right now, but still without 6link, last ascendency, few life nodes on tree and maybe some upgrades to gear. Can't find boots with ms - I found my current as a blue in delve and slammed regal on it.

Besides looking for boots, I'm gathering fusings for jewellers to link that beast made by fossils (pristine+dense first try, I was scared to click it again):
Dont know what's next. I won't probably play it much longer, don't know if I'll get that thing linked. I am not a fan of standard. Blight in white and yellow maps is like a standard for me tho, but I don't like this skill so much anyway. Could be better as CoC - tried to reroll for a moment but would have to change too much and didn't have currency.

It was a ssf try, just to warm-up myself before 3.9, nothing special. I am happy with damage, clearing is fast thanks to HoI, some bosses can be annoying but I think in 3.9 we will get to experience their mechanics anyway, so one shotting would be too much if I wanted to have real experience! But for real, if I match skills in the right time together, it's good. And who would have thought that warcries can be usable! HA!

Final thoughts:
Few days more and I could make it more enjoyable to play, upgrade my defences, lvl up skills, maybe 6link that chest, which I didn't. I swapped gems, so that's cool!

Ice nova is strong but I'd have to learn how to build more defences if casting it on frostbolt is so clunky and not fun for me. Clearing was ok, have to stop for a sec to cast few times, but with high cast speed it wasn't annoying. Herald was doing a good job, like always. Bossing was fine if I remembered to use movement speed right before steelskin run off. It still wasn't as good as it could but that's what I could do two days before league ends.

Don't know when I'll return back to this skill, there are far more enjoyable to me to try next.

* DPS without things I may not have on, like charges, flasks, VRF or RC, recent kills buffs... And with some gems recently swapped.
** Oposite of that above but still with actual gem lvls.
*** DPS planned with PoB with finished tree, 20/20 gems and everything active. Gear imported from current character, so not updated.

About League:
I liked it more than Legion, because of far more interesting mechanics. I had fun working with each kind of tower for few days straight to hit achievements for spending points on them. I've learned then true power of each of them - so strong if fully upgraded, except stunning one, which at lvl 3 was creating nice disco with monsters just dancing in one place (cool) and above that wasn't helpful for me, or I just haven't upgrade it enough to learn). I wouldn't call enjoyable hunting all rare blighted monsters tho, I haven't find Hoard or whoever he was.

Blighted maps - so fun but I kinda were hoarding them to run later, don't know why. Maybe because of low drop rate, maybe because of buggy league start. That's sad, buggy league starts always make rest of my league worse that it could be. And then - later every league I always focus on playing new builds not so much on league mechanic, especially simple one.

I even like Cassia. She is NOT cool but funny because of that. I'd love to kill her once of twice if she were in betrayal. People hate her singing and I'm the opposite, I really like that, lyrics are catchy.

I mean, I enjoyed Blight for the first few weeks, then I just stopped clicking on pomp while lvling up to red maps, because it was not worth it...

I won't miss it tho. 10% will make Blighted maps not dropping much but I think it'll make them more enjoyable. I mean, nothing can be worse than synthesis this league, I am sure I'll get more blighted maps in 3.9 than synthesis fights now (about 3). So, yea, was fun, not complicated and that's a shame, I prefer leagues I have fun for way more than 3 weeks. Legion was worse tho, so, it's ok. GGG had so much to work on, I really understand this.

Metamorph can be worse, I'm afraid, because it's even simpler but maybe I'm wrong, I've been kinda waiting for bossing league for quite a time now. And all those endgame changes will make it's life spawn far longer for sure. Hype

Venom Gyre Trickster

Lvl: 86

PoB lowest DPS (poison DPS): 16500 (200000)
PoB highest DPS (poison): 35300 (250000)
PoB planned DPS (poison): ~40000 (>680000)

Bandits: Alira


Venom Gyre + Added Chaos Damage + Unbound Ailments + GMP + Fork + Deadly Ailments
Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify, Withering Step
CWDT + Steelskin + Blood Rage + Despair
Herald of Agony + Faster Projectiles + Vicious Projectiles + Ice Golem
Vaal Blight + Efficacy + Conc Effect
Precision, Plgue Bearer, Flesh and Stone

I don't have 6 link, but I've been throwing fusings on Briskwrap for few days now, it would be really nice upgrade. Swapped some gems yesterday, still lvling.


Skilltree: click!

I really like how Venom Gyre feels. Cobra Lash is better, because I don't need to put Fork there for clear and one gem could do much, but I wouldn't have that satisfying interaction with Whirling Blades then. I really like how crazy this can be. This skill is just smooth and interesting to play, that's why I couldn't stop myself from starting with it.

It's great at low lvl maps, lacking defences on higher, as always with me. Done all counquerors once (not Sirius, haven't spawn him yet), but snowy gearl is way too dangerous. Maybe some Wasp Nests would help kill her faster but I haven't much luck finding any. Metamorph is not a threat if I use WB often enough.

It could be better, for sure, but I want to try more skills already. Maybe I'll return to it, maybe I'll do something else with this skill in the future. For now I'm moving on to some incinerate cwc shenanigans.

Final thoughts:
I was really happy when GGG anounced that VG is getting buff. I wasn't so lucky at the beginning of the league tho and my gear was way worse than at all my lvling tries before but still, skill is fun and can be strong.

I like to think that every build I am doing in ssf by myself adds to my experience and in the future, when I touch this skill again, I'll do so much better. Maybe it will get some more buffs in next leagues to be at the same lvl as Cobra Last, because I don't think anybody who just does not have some special love for this skill would choose it over CL. Fingers Crossed
Smile! <3
Last edited by Wilc on Dec 20, 2019, 2:24:28 PM
Last bumped on Dec 7, 2019, 7:53:51 PM
Smile! <3
Smile! <3
Ho ho hooo... Ekhem.
Smile! <3

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