_Guild_Recruiting_*DOOM*_Tag SIck_(Softcore US Temp League) NO ELITISTS ALLOWED


In preparation for the next league we are recruiting. You don't need a ton of game knowledge, have to have a certain level cap, tons of challenges completed. This is what WE accomplish together as a community.

I've seen so many of these ELitist guilds prancing around trying to recruit "the best of the best" and for what? There is no Esport, there is no server/realm first, get off your high horses!

We take ANYONE who is willing to do a small few things.

1. Play the game (when you can)
2. Play efficiently (if you dont know how, we will show you)
3. Use discord. (Even if you dont like to chat, we use it for mapping and bossing to make callouts for mechanics)

4. We do not discriminate against any race, class, sex, monitary income variant, our primary goal is to create an organized structure who can grow together and prosper in the all of the various wealths of this game!

PM on forum, reply to thread, hit me up in game, let me know what YOUR goals are and how we can achieve them together.

Thank you exile.

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Last bumped on Nov 30, 2019, 4:13:52 PM

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