ExÏLéD - Est. 2009: Looking for League Player's


Hello ladies and gentlemen. I am CrackinDomes. We are exiled! We keep it blunt! We keep it Honest! We are Family!

We’re a small group that’s been gaming since 2009 under the exiled tag. FPS, RTS, you name it. PoE has been one of our main games since 2013. We are a bunch of older tech savvy guys who enjoy videos games and have been around them all are life.

What brings us here today is trying to gather some people to hang with map with discuss builds etc. We like to bullshit talk shit shoot the shit trash talk dish it out as well as take it back in return. If your easily offended then this group most likely is not for you.


Let’s keep it simple we're mature most in are late 20's to 30's some older some younger currently let’s keep that trend. Act your age don't be a douche bag don’t be an asshat. Be respectable and we all can get along. It’s that simple.

We are a US (EST and CST) based guild so the main thing we require is that you are a US or Canadian player that plays during those time zones. The reason behind this is so that all members may play with each other freely without having to worry about high ping (ms).

Activity Requirement's:

We’re looking for fun active people who know how to use Discord. That doesn’t mean you always have to be on discord, but we’re a social group. Be social! Life happens, we get that we just aren’t looking for people who show up every other week.

Mature and respectful players:

Be respectful to everyone including you! As this should be common sense we all know that common sense isn't really that common lately. So with the overabundance of Uncommon Sense in today’s day and age let’s make it nice and simple. We will not tolerate the following: Hate Speech, Harassment, Threats, Impersonation, Racism, and Bullying.

Social players:

We are looking for players who want hang out play the game as well as laugh into the wee hours of the morning! Be able to take a joke. We are all here in good fun. Sometimes some people end up the punching bag.

Clan Tag is as follows: ExÏLéD

How to Join

The best way to join for those wondering would be to head over to our discord, https://discord.gg/DZf8f8P, to say whats up hang out or to ask any questions you may have! Also used for a great way to get an invite from an officer or leader to the Family!

Steps Join Discord link above, welcome tab is where you should land maybe in the lobby nobody knows, after that make your way into the server-roles section and set yourself up with Path of Exile role so that you can see the Path of Exile channels.

Last but not least if you read any of that thanks hope you enjoyed it! Hope to see you around!

If any of this interests you. Feel free to join the discord and if no one is on discord leave a message here and one of us will get to it ASAP!
--> NAME(IGN):
--> What server you are in:
--> How long have you played?:
--> What you hope to get out of the guild:

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader" - John Quincy Adams
Last bumped on Mar 21, 2020, 3:22:48 PM
Still looking for folks. A lot of us are on the East Coast time zone.
Filling her up slowly but surely. :D
Heading to work. If you decide to join up I will address that all when I get home! Thanks for checking us out.
Happy Thanksgiving ladies and gents! To those who do partake. Happy Thursday!
Still filling for the coming league! Up to 16 people.
Still looking!
Getting closer to league start!
Heyo Crackin! Decided to leave a reply since no one was on Discord.

NAME(IGN): HanzGetZheFlammenwerfer (Blight name)
What server you are in: Texas(US)
How long have you played?: I started playing in 2017
What you hope to get out of the guild: Just looking for some friendly and mature people to make friends with and enjoy the new league.
ChaxsThexry wrote:
Heyo Crackin! Decided to leave a reply since no one was on Discord.

NAME(IGN): HanzGetZheFlammenwerfer (Blight name)
What server you are in: Texas(US)
How long have you played?: I started playing in 2017
What you hope to get out of the guild: Just looking for some friendly and mature people to make friends with and enjoy the new league.

Whats up man if you haven't jump in our discord(https://discord.gg/DZf8f8P). Under the #serverroles tab set yourself up with PoE so you can see the poe channels. Hope to see you there! Ya morning time is dead most of us at work or still sleeping. :D Afternoon and nights are when it picks up as well as weekends.
Last edited by CrackinDomes on Dec 4, 2019, 1:16:39 PM

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