New Thai-Language font is too small with condition.

I don't know if it's correct to post here, it's not really a bug, but more an overlook, but it's a problem for sure.

so lets get started, Thai Font have been changed recently to new font that show all 3 levels of our vowels and consonants but with cost, it is now too small if play with menu language in English, and chat language in Thai(by /global 1 th), it's fine if play with menu language in Thai and chat language in Thai, but I'm having problem with item properties in Thai which is confusing because of our language, so I have to play with menu language in English. I think the old font was fine, I have not heard anyone complained anything about it.

Here's the pic

and this pic is before the font change
Last edited by zcythustk on Sep 8, 2019, 9:10:15 AM
Last bumped on Sep 8, 2019, 9:09:15 AM
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