Help with Deadeye coc build

Hi Folks,
This is kind of my first time trying my own build (it is inspired as such).
i am trying Barrage CoC + ice Spear ( Ball Lightning / Frost Bolt)

Am using call of brotherhood with ball lightning for shock and cold pen.

Clear speed is also decent. I guess damage wise instead if it is replaced with hypothermia i guess will give more damage but less clear speed.

Also ice spear enchant for power charge generation and auto curse Projectile weakness for knockback and dps.

Skill tree

Am not sure if this will work for tier map 9+
Any help is appreciated.

Last edited by Dragonnik1 on Jul 30, 2019, 11:30:45 AM
Last bumped on Jul 30, 2019, 11:24:36 AM

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