[3.7] The Iron Poet. Chieftain Incinerate|Fireball|Armageddon Brand

Hi Guys. This is my first build guide. The Guide itself is still WIP. Please give me some time to do justice to the idea that I have in mind for this.

In the mean time I thought I would share the core essentials:

Very tanky build that does decent amount of damage (996k incinerate Shaper DPS full buffed) I have just entered T12 maps and am completing them with relative ease. Shaper fragments sitting at 6/15, will update the progress when I do reach Shaper/Guardians/Elder etc.



Required Uniques

The build revolves around Chieftain ascendancy and Tasalio which gives us excellent life recovery when we take fire damage (+50%).

We try to take fire damage from all sources possible.

Tasalio allows some physical damage taken as fire.

We further enhance this by the new unique timeless jewel:

Tempered By War

With this, to cap resists, we need
Cold Resist = 76% max :: we need at least 152%(*0.5 = 76%)
Lightning Resist = 76% max :: we need at least 152%(*0.5 = 76%)
Fire Resist = 81% max :: (75 + 2 from tree + 5 from

This is relatively easy due to Tasalio again that gives us 100% fire resistance.

Essentially we will have this regeneration buff active at all times when enemies are nearby because we also take Unwavering Stance.

To Enhance this, we stack endurance charges (6) with 0.7% life regenerated per charge and a lot of flat life.

We can further enhance the life recovery by Fully upgraded Minor Pantheon Ryslatha and Major Pantheon Aarakali though these are more situational.

The Pantheon

Recommended Uniques

Chieftain synergies well with all things fire, be it offence or defence.

To top that my first Uber Lab on this character yielded the enchant of 40% increased Incinerate damage.

So it made sense to build around Incinerate and Ignite.

This staff 6 linked is pretty cheap and adds a ton of damage to ignite/fire builds + much needed cast speed:

Ring 1: Malachai's artifice gives a lot of our required resists in one slot and some welcome elemental equilibrium - we will socket in a blue gem into this.

Ring 2: The emberwake unique ring gives us some much needed cast speed, fire damage, an additional ignite which gives an overall damage boost.

Amulet: Another cheap amulet which gives us a free curse and some fire damage, life regen, a defensive aura and some attributes.

Remaining Gear

Rare Helmet: We have two options here.

Offensive: Delve crafted nearby enemies have -# to Fire Resistance

Rare Gloves: Life + Resists + Optional cast speed

Rare Boots: Life + Resists + MS

Stygian Vise: Life + Resists + Flask Mods if you find any



Life + Missing Resists + Fire Damage + Reduced Mana Cost + Dexterity

Recommended watcher's eye can be an endgame upgrade - it adds a lot of defence + easier mana sustain on incinerate (I got this for 1EX+100C)

Gem Links

While Mapping:





In Malachai's Artifice

Burn them all


Major: Solaris
Minor: Ryslatha/Tukohama (I prefer Ryslatha)

During Shaper + Elder fights:
Major: Aarakali

Last edited by FloppyGlass on Jul 17, 2019, 2:02:09 PM
Last bumped on Jul 17, 2019, 11:02:18 PM
Very nice build, looks promising! Will follow.

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