Just curious if GGG actually reads these suggestions...ps4

I've been looking through multiple posts to see if a gm or GGG staff member has replied or shown any sort of empathy for this half-ass ladder they submitted. This player community WANTS to support and play your game, and the lack of a simple bit of empathy for the incredible amount of blue screens and crashes is terrible. I mean all these extra cosmetics y'all keep adding aren't going to help us not blue screen or crash.

Btw it's a suggestion forum so I'll suggest three simple things.

1. Look in the mirror and realize it's your fault we are mad.

2. Fix the blue screens and crashes, it's becoming a joke how long it's taken to fix them.

3. Stop adding cosmetics and doing stupid "legion general" battle videos, and work on the real game issues.

End of rant. Ban me if you must. I ain't worried either way.
Last edited by Canby1986 on Jul 15, 2019, 4:42:20 AM
Last bumped on Jul 15, 2019, 9:06:04 AM
The main platform of PoE is PC. Both the consoles are secondary. I'm afraid we'll just have to put up with the regular crashes. If people keep buying MTX despite the failings of the console versions will GGG/Tencent care? No.

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