COMBAT LOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can we please for the love of Christ get a combat log window? Or at the absolute least provide us a death log. It’s getting beyond ridiculous dying because of lag and de-sync at lv 95, you’d think at the least you could tell us wtf we died from. It’s honestly by far the biggest negative aspect of this game. We all know much of the hit detection is half broken, movement skills are completely unusable and the frame rate drops into the teens a majority of the time, all of which did not occur with any level of frequency a year ago in harbinger league. I’ve been taking this all in stride but dying without cause is idiocracy. Being expected to repeat the same encounter without insight and hoping for an alternate outcome is insanity.

GGG answer me please... why do you not provide a log ? Don’t tell me screen clutter when you’ve left over 80% of all drops in the game which are loot filtered on regular still continue to spew forth. It can’t be because of latency as we both know all these values are already being calculated and communicated with the server, your just refusing to output it on the screen for us. So it leads me to believe that you purposely don’t provide a log (like literally every other game of this genre) because you either have no interest in transparency or have zero respect for our time.

Enlighten me please
Last bumped on Jul 13, 2019, 5:34:18 PM
AGREED, especially if you insist on that archaic and obsolete anti gamer mechanic of XP loss.
DeadFall526 wrote:
AGREED, especially if you insist on that archaic and obsolete anti gamer mechanic of XP loss.

Lol dude, he posted in the wrong section. We don't even have a chat to put it in yet.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
*snip* double post.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Last edited by LV9999Majin on Jul 13, 2019, 5:34:37 PM

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