<Syndicate><SC><NA> All are welcome!

Welcome to the Syndicate recruitment post!

Guild Type
We are a laid back, friendly guild looking to build a roster of new and experienced players to have a blast with the Legion league and beyond. We strive to be helpful, welcoming and all around a great place to play.

Guild Rules
No Racism/Flaming/Hate against anyone.
Stash tabs are give one take one.
Don't Spam
Use the Discord.
The ToS of PoE
(If any member is not following the rules you can reach a Leader or a Officer)

Member Status:
Members: 2/30
Status: Open
Stash Tabs: 5 (Leveling Uniques, White, Yellow, Red Maps, Free for All)
(Donation points for more tabs/slots are welcome!)

How to Join?
You can reach me online. My IGN is listed below, or post the following 2 questions below and I will get back to you ASAP.

How Long You've Been Playing PoE?:

(There is no requirements to join the guild!

TrickyNabriales - Guild Leader

If you're inactive for 1 month you will be kicked to reserve space for active new members.
However if you are taking a break from the game, and you don't want to me kicked please put it in your status and you will not be kicked.
Last bumped on Nov 24, 2019, 4:35:26 PM
IGN: IHaveNoFriendsButMinion

How Long You've Been Playing PoE?: I started in delve league and have about 1200
hours played.
I have been playing on and off since Beta. Started really getting in to the game at the end of Delve.
Last edited by MackBolan on Jan 10, 2023, 5:42:16 AM
IGN: Meteoric_Burst

I've been playing sporadically but I really started getting into the game at the beginning of Legion. I first played toward the end of Legacy and I kept taking breaks so I got a taste of Betrayal, Bestiary, and Betrayal. Unfortunately that account got lost when I merged my GGG account with Steam... Oops lol

I tried to make my own guild and failed so I want to try joining one! Thanks!
We are now 16 members strong with six stash tabs! Still looking for active, friendly and helpful members!
We have expanded! We're at 14 stash tabs and over 30 members with the capacity to hold 60 members. Come be apart of our growing community!
IGN: Succubist

I started playing in Betrayal (my account has been around since 2013 but back then my pc couldnt handle the game).

Currently i do have around 1100 hours, but because of work my playtime does vary alot. (dont expect me to be good at the game just because i play alot...only managed to kill shaper once :P )

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