Night Lotus Toxic Rain Effect

Night Lotus Toxic Rain Effect not working

NVM sorted. I apply effect to wrong gem :(
Last edited by potomako on Jul 1, 2019, 10:41:19 PM
Last bumped on May 22, 2024, 5:38:26 AM
Hi there,

It appears you have two Toxic Rain skill gems equipped on your character. The microtransaction applies to the skill gem, so you will need to make sure you have this equipped to the correct Toxic Rain you are using.
Thank you, just sorted the problem.
Stacey_GGG wrote:
Hi there,

It appears you have two Toxic Rain skill gems equipped on your character. The microtransaction applies to the skill gem, so you will need to make sure you have this equipped to the correct Toxic Rain you are using.

I have two Toxic Rain skill gems. But seems like only for one of them i can select this effect. So do i have to buy the skill effect twice??
resh_aykut wrote:
Stacey_GGG wrote:
Hi there,

It appears you have two Toxic Rain skill gems equipped on your character. The microtransaction applies to the skill gem, so you will need to make sure you have this equipped to the correct Toxic Rain you are using.

I have two Toxic Rain skill gems. But seems like only for one of them i can select this effect. So do i have to buy the skill effect twice??

Yep. You also need to buy invisible buff effect (best MTX in the game) 20 times if you wish to get rid of aura cacophony on more than 2 characters:)

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