About changing my build

Hi everyone , I am new to game just 2 to 3 weeks over.Dont understand much of it but i sensed that what i built is now difficult to clear the coming levels i am right now level 72 duelist slayer cyclone main attack skill.Now the problem is i dont understand what all should i change as i dont want to change much as i dont have much currency left in the game.So if someone can point me out something please help me guys.
here i am posting my build links
www.poeurl.com/cuTt skill tree link
www.poeurl.com/cuTs skill tree link
www.poeurl.com/cuTu gear link
Last edited by Tipsy94 on Jun 27, 2019, 8:26:05 PM
Last bumped on Jun 27, 2019, 8:22:53 PM

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