So, this is my first guide, so Im sorry for the sloppines and mistakes I'll probably make.

So what is this build about?
I wanted to make a character that has high dps and is very hard to kill. This build does exactly that. Thanks to high life regen + life leech from Blood Rage this character is very very hard to kill. So far I've only died once and that was while leveling my character.

What contents can this character do?
Probably everything, this character has no problems farming red maps with awful rolls, you can basically facetank almost everything. So far I've killed shaper a few times (deathless) with this character, Minotaur, Hydra etc. are no problam whatsoever. Uber Lab is very very easy with this character. Haven't tried Uber Atziri yet. I killed shaper at lvl 85 with 4987 hp and could tank most of his attacks (except his aoe slam).

PoB Link (with my current gear): https://pastebin.com/AGTgUGq9

Gear: Its not really the best, its kinda bad really. But it did the job very good. With good gear you can easily get way more hp and way more damage than I have right now.


You can also use a Bronn's Lithe for some extra dmg.

Bandits: Kill them all

Gem setups etc. are all in PoB

-very tanky
-high lifepool
-good dps
-can be really cheap
-can run almost all map rolls
-you feel unkillable

-you cant run phys refl
-not as much dps as cyclone as other builds
-no life/mana regen maps can be pretty obnoxious
-trouble with legion mechanic because aoe is small and its hard to break monsters free.

Last edited by Nickname12812 on Jun 24, 2019, 1:41:05 PM
Last bumped on Jun 24, 2019, 9:00:44 AM

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