Awful blue haze in Act 6
It's everywhere in the beach areas and it's making me squint, a haze over everything, like a distance fog. If you zoom in close enough it goes away. Please let us disable this cataract simulator or just remove it entirely. Last bumped on Jul 24, 2019, 11:11:56 PM
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This blue fog is everywhere, it's in prisoner's gate, it's in the mines, it's even in the prison. Like I'm looking at a TN panel from the wrong angle. Please disable! There is no need for a depth fog.
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Clearly this is the correct amount of fog.
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Well at least it's not blue.
We're just going to cover each area in a different colour cellophane are we Looks like we are Last edited by Malice on Jul 13, 2019, 2:38:40 PM
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Looks like someone put a lot of effort making some gross looking scenery for this moment here. Pity it's obscured by a thick fog.
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I think this is toxic yellow shit land. If you look closely you might be able to see the fog.
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I had a really long shower today with the exhaust fan off. Here's a selfie I took
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Every now and then I find myself in an old area with neutral lighting and minimal fog. What a breath of fresh air. The red things are red, the blue things are blue, and there is some actual contrast instead of a foggy, muddy monochrome.
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Hey guys I thought you should know, you forgot to disable the model editor mode in the latest patch.