Maurader/berzerker build

Hello all and ty for viewing my post. I am currently in the process of making a high dps maurader berserker build that revolves around the cyclone skill. With life leech and mana if needed with 3 aura to be used. I will post the build here if anyone wishes to see it.

What i am currently having trouble with is figureing out a few key things that can help the build out. For example is there a way to attack faster when useing the cyclone skill without the use of flask or is that the only way?

Should i try to spec into attack speed nodes on the passive skill tree to help aswell?

And for gear, what are some things i should keep an eye on. I know some of these should be easy to figure out but atm they are what im struggeling with.

I am currently focusing on getting anything with strength, health and anything to do with movement speed cuase my guy is kinda slow lol

The main reason im asking about the attack speed is the current legion going on.After i use the monolith i can clear maybe 40% of the enemies that are frozen in the brief time i have but i have seen videos of people clearing all of the frozen guys then killing them after the time expires.

Any help and advice would be apreciated greatly. Ty
Last bumped on Jun 22, 2019, 4:36:49 PM

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