First character in POE. Need some pointers.

Hey Guys.

This is the first character I play in POE, and I feel like a need a few pointers to see where I go wrong and what I can do better.

My character:
I can do Tier 3 white maps, but as soon as I go Tier 4 or Tier 2-3 yellow /blue maps, then I do pretty often.

I only have a little over 3k health and just 4k dmg.

Hope someone can give a little help here.

Last bumped on Jun 17, 2019, 2:23:07 PM
Hi Jimony,

First you have to make your profile private, we cannot see it now so cannot say what went wrong.

Second as a marauder or any melee character in this game you have to aim to have at least 5k life. Average 6K is ok for soft core, for HC some guys can stack as much as 9K life without Kaoms. This should be achieved together with maxed resistances (except chaos which is very difficult to cap) and few other layers of defense (fortify, maim, armor, evasion, endurance charges, auras and so on...) I will not discuss here energy shield topic as this is whole new mechanic and very advance one to have it working.

And last regarding damage. At first you have to focus on amount of links of your primary skill. For white maps 4 linked sockets are ok: main skill plus 3 support gems. Then you should focus on the weapon. If you went phys: phys damage and attack speed are key factors for elemental: ele damage and attack speed.

If you do not have much currency you can trick the system with some underestimated unique items like:

and much more like Facebrakers (just lost them somewhere in the stash:(

Use following site to get these items:

There are a lot of tutorials how to trade like:



Thanks for your reply littlegaly.

My profile should now be public and accessible.
I'm trying to get as much life as I can get, but I feel like I have alot of life on my gear right now.

My currency is not great atm. Only 38c.

I have a 6link chest (Gonna change this one in the near future when i can afford it) and a 5 link weapon.
hi Jimony, welcome to POE.

marauder is a great choice. Melee has been reworked and its pretty easy to get most of the content done without investing tooo mutch currency.

frist of all as far as i can see u didnt ascend yet right?

this is what I mean:
Hello Venetostar.

No, I have not ascended. Did not know that was a thing tho :) I will be looking into it.
Thats good,

because it will boost your char alot, in defence or dmg.

for example has some very very nice Options.

i guess u just start following a guide that fits you and sounds good to you.

Recipes are usefull too
u can get up to 2c by vendoring full gear set, for example

for flask's:
-get bleed immunity
-get freeze immunity
-lion's roar for dmg.

fortify support for dmg and def
impale support for dmg

always aim for lvling up!
till lvl90 the progress is very easy and smoothly
every extra point is usefull

you can run "labs" for currency
First thing - you are doing pretty well! You have got most of the basics down correctly, you are using fairly sensible links, have a pretty nice weapon, capped resists and have taken some life at least (Amazing how many new players skip that!)

A few pointers though

- Why haven't you done the labyrinth for your ascendancy? Do you know about it? Whatever ascendancy you choose is a huge damage and survivability boost.

- Tabula is ok for now, but 6l chests are cheaper then they have ever been and are easy to craft. Or get a corrupted one with right colours.

- I'd put fortify in the main links. It's a decent enough support gem now and will ensure it's always up. Then take fortify effect nodes, they are really strong now.

- You grabbed an endurance charge but as far as I can see no way of getting them. Endurance charge on melee stun on leap slam is an option or enduring cry. Some ascendancies can auto generate them for you too.

- Sort flasks out. You aren't pure phys so atiziri's promise is a damage and defensive boost for 1 chaos. Run a basalt or granite flask for defense and make sure you have flasks to handle bleeding, feezing and curses.

- Your life isn't too bad, you have ok rolls on most gear. Try and get % life tup to 160-170% at least. The next few levels will help. If you can get a proper chest with life you chould be able to hit 6k life easily.

Thanks to everyone. I will be continuing to better my char as good as I can.

Answer to Carlovsci:

1. I have not known about ascendancy before, this is the first that I hear about it and I will be looking into it today.

2. I will be looking for a decent chest today to see if that can get me some more life.

3. If i'm gonna put fortify with my sunder, what gem can I replace it with?

4. Removed the Endurance charge for now, and got more in armor and life instead.

5. Flasks are now sorted, and I will try to run with that and see how it goes.

Best regard

5. Flasks are now sorted, and I will try to run with that and see how it goes.

-> use transmutation orb on quicksilver flask
-> use alteration orbs until u get a sweet stat on it what feels good for u.
Last edited by Venetostar on Jun 17, 2019, 11:56:27 AM
Thanks to all of you, I just did T6 blue map with no problems at all. need to find some higher maps now.

Will keep gearing and hoping for a good character in a while.

Thanks alot guys.

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