<Tribe> Looking for more mature players. New players are welcomed!

Looking for more active player to join in! Very noob friendly and can give advice if needed. We all get along great and we plan on keeping it that way. We do have a discord if you would like to join.

You can contact me in the fourm post or message me for a invite.
Last edited by Thelilacecat on Jul 2, 2019, 6:11:28 PM
Last bumped on Dec 23, 2019, 5:52:55 PM

I'd like to join! Returning player looking for social friendly guild to farm and progress!

I'm usually on the europe servers and I'm from the Netherlands. Just turned 30.

Greetings, InitiaNovum
New player. NA west coast time zone.
Tired of D3... top 20 4man GR this season
Going to need alot of help to learn poe but i learn fast AF.
Returning player interested in joining an active guild.

IGN: MandrolDL
Hey, also a returning player.
From the eu server and ign is DramaSpider
Hi would like to join your guild. IGN RapGameUncleBen
I'd like to join, IGN Uriell_LA
Hey I'd like to join an Active guild!

IGN: HyperFrozen
Honestly man, I started this game almost two months ago and ive already dropped over 200 hours into it. I don't even understand why im so hooked but im at that point were id love to have some people that can help me clarify a bunch of stuff that I still don't fully understand.

If your still recruiting id love to join and just let me know what you need from me.
I'm very interested in joining a guild as well. I'm fairly new but have gotten to end game. I'm mostly clueless to the game but will be more than willing to help out with whatever you need with some guidance.

Acctname Kota150
IGN ReplyMacro

shoot me an invite I'm looking forward to it.

edit: Grammar
Last edited by Kota150 on Jul 15, 2019, 12:34:09 AM

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