[console version] change spell casting to on press, not on hold.

Currently the game stores an extra cast of an abilty if it is still being held too late into the animation. This, as far as i can tell, can't be cancelled. The faster your cast speed the worse it gets, and the extra casting makes dodging unreliable.

Moves like flame dash constantly trigger twice on one press due to how the move buffering works
Last bumped on Jun 13, 2019, 3:28:38 PM
Currently the game stores an extra cast of an abilty if it is still being held too late into the animation. This, as far as i can tell, can't be cancelled. The faster your cast speed the worse it gets, and the extra casting makes dodging unreliable.

Moves like flame dash constantly trigger twice on one press due to how the move buffering works

Oh they've already got it "on press". It's part of their new ability queue system. But the problem you face there is that errant presses fire off abilities when you don't want them to. And the more IAS you have, the worse it gets as your window for accidental button presses gets smaller, just like the hold window does with higher IAS values.

Some of us really want the ability to disable the feature you're asking for (but is already in the game) for the very same reason you hate it with the "on-hold" method that's always been in the game on consoles.

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