Need More Achievements Each League

Was eagerly awaiting the new season of Legion on PS4 and was disappointed to find no new achievements have been added. Many console players are trophy hunters and since I got very close to all the achievements in Synthesis, I find little reason to play in Legion -- there's nothing to do I haven't already done. This is why I found PoE in the first place: I got all the in-game achievements in Diablo 3 I cared to and it was time to move on.

Compare this to Elder Scrolls Online -- every 3 months they put out new content also, but these all come with additional trophies to earn.

If GGG doesn't add trophies, people will take their business Elsweyr.
Last bumped on Jun 14, 2019, 9:15:49 AM
Not sure about PS but on Xbox there is a reason. Something about games only being allowed X amount of gamerscore for base game, and up to Y amount per paid DLC. There were some exact numbers floating around a while back, not sure if this is something that is still in effect though.
TrueAchievements -

XboxClips -
ravenclaw77 wrote:

If GGG doesn't add trophies, people will take their business Elsweyr.

I'm not too worried, most play PoE to have fun with the actual game. Also, did you notice the 40 challenges every new league that gives rewards you can actually show off in game?
... is not a troll
trollkind1 wrote:
ravenclaw77 wrote:

If GGG doesn't add trophies, people will take their business Elsweyr.

I'm not too worried, most play PoE to have fun with the actual game. Also, did you notice the 40 challenges every new league that gives rewards you can actually show off in game?

Seconded. I have never seen or heard of anyone who quit a game, due to no achievements.

Would it be nice with new achievements each league? Sure. But it's waaaaay down the wishlist compared to other Quality of Life improvements.
Corrison wrote:
Not sure about PS but on Xbox there is a reason. Something about games only being allowed X amount of gamerscore for base game, and up to Y amount per paid DLC. There were some exact numbers floating around a while back, not sure if this is something that is still in effect though.

As far as I know, that is still the case on Xbox, and it's one of the reasons I have a PS4 (one of the many). Neverwinter is a free to play game and they add achievements with every new (free) expansion. I know NVW is on Xbox, not sure how achievements work there, if they get new ones each expansion or not.
trollkind1 wrote:
ravenclaw77 wrote:

If GGG doesn't add trophies, people will take their business Elsweyr.

I'm not too worried, most play PoE to have fun with the actual game. Also, did you notice the 40 challenges every new league that gives rewards you can actually show off in game?

Yes, I got the helmet last season, and those are indeed nice. In fact, I'd be happy if they'd simply make those in-game achievements the actual trophies.
I seem to be outnumbered here, and that's fine. For me, I've been a trophy hunter since Activision's physical patches on the 2600. I switched from PlayStation consoles in 2005 when the Xbox360 added achievements, and back to PlayStation in 2008 when the PS3 added them in.

Trophies add longevity to titles and reward trying different playstyles or characters, an opportunity PoE is missing here. This is exactly the kind of game in which trophies shine.

There should be achievements for getting to level 90+ with each of the classes, and other creative things that would encourage people to try different keystones -- "Beat Kitava with 1 health remaining" would encourage people to try Chaos Inoculation builds, "Summon 5 different golems at once", and others would require specific builds that players might try and discover they like.

People like myself may be uncommon and not the majority, but I don't think we're particularly rare. I know my friends share achievements through social media platforms and congratulate each other as well as race each other to earn new achievements first in friendly competition.

Trophies are here to stay because they work: they keep people playing (and paying) and give them something to do after the main story is over.
ravenclaw77 wrote:
I've been a trophy hunter since Activision's physical patches on the 2600. I switched from PlayStation consoles in 2005 when the Xbox360 added achievements, and back to PlayStation in 2008 when the PS3 added them in.

What I was wondering since I read your original post, are you the Hannah Montana Platinum type of trophy hunter or is it just a nice addition and motivation for you?

Trophies started to mean less for me once there were so many platforms to get them, like on Steam or GoG. Sometimes they are a nice incentive to play a game in an interesting way or go for difficulties you usually wouldn't try but the latter can also lead to making your playthrough a frustrating slog of trial and error if you get in over your head. Too many trophies are mindless busywork too or distract you from enjoying the game for what it is or even ruin your immersion because you're spending more time with a guide than the game.

I like some of your trophy ideas though. At least they got something like the 60 minions one.
... is not a troll
trollkind1 wrote:
ravenclaw77 wrote:
I've been a trophy hunter since Activision's physical patches on the 2600. I switched from PlayStation consoles in 2005 when the Xbox360 added achievements, and back to PlayStation in 2008 when the PS3 added them in.

What I was wondering since I read your original post, are you the Hannah Montana Platinum type of trophy hunter or is it just a nice addition and motivation for you?

Trophies started to mean less for me once there were so many platforms to get them, like on Steam or GoG. Sometimes they are a nice incentive to play a game in an interesting way or go for difficulties you usually wouldn't try but the latter can also lead to making your playthrough a frustrating slog of trial and error if you get in over your head. Too many trophies are mindless busywork too or distract you from enjoying the game for what it is or even ruin your immersion because you're spending more time with a guide than the game.

I like some of your trophy ideas though. At least they got something like the 60 minions one.

Haha. I have one platinum, from Glass Masquerade, and I'm rank 16 or so. I have like 2500 bronze trophies.

Certainly there are bad trophies out there -- I don't like the 0 point 'penalty trophies', like the one I got in Saw for dying on the first trap -- there shouldn't be trophies you try hard not to earn. And I don't like ones that are annoying to other players, like Alienation has one for completing a level without shooting anything which requires you play multiplayer and not contribute. That's toxic.

But compare the 40 challenges in PoE to the vast array of in-game achievements and trophies on offer for Diablo 3. They reward you more for playing on hardcore, playing multiple characters, using different builds, maximizing the effectiveness of skills (which basically require certain sets). It kept me playing, happily, with goals to achieve. And I know Blizzard is a much larger company than GGG, but all the more reason to do the simple things that will keep your dedicated fan base playing. I don't believe adding trophies requires very much developer-hours.

Anyway, I stated my case and I stand by it, but I'm moving on now.
Diablo 3s trophy system was nothing more than a lazy time sink addition. It didn't add anything but a tedious boring grind.

I wouldn't mind extreme challenges, but requiring to beat the game multiple times for the sake of completing the game multiple times doesn't add fun or complexity

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