What time will you start the league on ps4?


What time will you start the league on ps4?


Last bumped on Jun 10, 2019, 3:23:54 AM
Turns out I was wrong with claiming they didn't post the start times in local time, I probably was looking at their announcement at work without an account logged in.
If you look a the announcement thread and have a time zone set in your account preferences, you should see the times in your local time.

The console start times are easy to miss in the middle of the post.
... is not a troll
Last edited by trollkind1 on Jun 9, 2019, 8:15:03 PM
Downtime begins at 1pm PDT, June 10th, with the servers coming back up at 2pm PDT for the launch of Legion.
Jeff_GGG wrote:
Downtime begins at 1pm PDT, June 10th, with the servers coming back up at 2pm PDT for the launch of Legion.

That is such a weird time, any reason why it's an hour later than the PC launch? To better cater to the different global audiences of consoles vs PC?
And would you consider launching on a friday a week later for the next launch if concurrent launches aren't possible?
... is not a troll
trollkind1 wrote:

That is such a weird time, any reason why it's an hour later than the PC launch?
The launch process begins for us locally in NZ at 6:00am. The time allows for us to have necessary team members available in office should issues arise.

trollkind1 wrote:
And would you consider launching on a friday a week later for the next launch if concurrent launches aren't possible?
Launching a week later isn't something we currently have planned.
Thanks for the answers. I thought PDT was something close to you because of the Pacific in the time zone name. Man, time on a spinning globe is messy thing.
... is not a troll
Jeff_GGG wrote:

trollkind1 wrote:
And would you consider launching on a friday a week later for the next launch if concurrent launches aren't possible?
Launching a week later isn't something we currently have planned.

I hope GGG will reconsider at some point. The hype at launch is very important for my enjoyment of a league launch. Whenever I can, I take friday and monday and tuesday off work on a league launch (since I used to play on PC) and then the launches feel awesome and I'm really invested in the league and my characters. Whenever work or other obligations get in the way and I can't properly prepare or even miss the league start, I get a "Meh." feeling. Now, there are probably a lot of people who are way less influenced by psychological effects like that but still, launching at the start of a work/school week is just really not the same and not everyone can or does want to take days off for that to get that first few days hype where you try to devour as much of the fresh content as possible, even if you're not really competing for any high levels.
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