Diablo 4 Comes, Will GGG Make More Efforts?

The GGG team should start working hard on console development and improve game performance and stabilize the game. He won't have much time anymore :)

Last bumped on Jun 12, 2019, 4:49:39 PM
To be honest, with what the Diablo camp has been doing the past couple of years with both their flagship game and the attempts to 'go mobile,' I don't necessarily feel GGG has much to worry about with keeping up with anyone.

This may be the first time I've personally felt that Diablo and any future iterations of the series are working from behind. I don't trust them anymore and if D4 releases with just a few gripes and controversies, I'll be surprised.
I'm going to have to second that sentiment regarding Blizzard's handling of its Diablo franchise. I've been with them for twenty years now and they managed to drive me into the arms of GGG's PoE with their StashGate 2.0 shenanigans. Honestly, I wish I'd come here sooner because PoE just has everything D3 does not. And with Blizzard's penchant for failing to learn their lessons with how to treat players and Activision's insistence on forcing games to be made for shareholders, GGG probably has little to worry about.

Been doing Mac and Windows tech support over there for over fifteen years now since I was in WoW's friends and family alpha in 2003 and it's never been as bad as it is now.

PoE's fine. It may have a steep learning curve, but it's a very satisfying learning curve.
Each new game takes the best of the other games. Diablo was released in 2012 and PoE in 2013. I want to say that Blizzard couldn't beat the system to match PoE's idea. I have no doubt that Diablo 4 will take over something from PoE and it will be more stable. This post has been directed to us console players.
This was a warning to the GGG, which says, "get your game stabilized before others come"
I'm sure I'm not the only one who pisses like PoE unstable

Anyway, I don't like Blizzard much in my eyes, the last two years totally fucked up, but the game can be really great
Whether GGG care to acknowledge this or not Blizzard have made such a mess of D3 and their public relations with the player base that they all but drove a large portion of their fan base over to PoE. I'm glad they did, I would not have discovered PoE otherwise.
As a console player I am far from happy with the state of PoE on PS4 but on the whole I still have a lot more faith in GGG than I do in Blizzard to produce a genuinely compelling aRPG that learns from it's previous mistakes in order to continually evolve a better product. I'm certain that they love their own game as much as the fans do, and that is very important imho.
Having said that, D4 will be a high profile game when it does launch. GGG need to prepare for the possibility (however remote) the D4 is actually a good game. Because if it is, GGG will have to be up to the challenge.
At the end of the day, regardless of whether D4 is good or not, GGG should (and it seems are) aiming to keep producing a game that is on a continuous improvement curve. As long as they do that, I am certain this game is here to stay for a long time yet.
Last edited by bendybruce on Jun 11, 2019, 6:25:43 PM
I've never understood posts like this. GGG makes plenty of efforts to get it all up and running - Why would a scary boogieman in the horizon force them to do better? If D4 is coming, it is years down the line - Not exactly something to worry about for the mediate future.

But what is the point of this post? Is it a passive-aggressive attempt to say you are unsatisfied? Are you trying to get the mob to light the torches on "how bad it is on consoles?" Are you attempting to threaten GGG to make more effort, on the specific points that you don't like, by crying wolf?

Can we please move on from the D4 topic as it is not relevant for years to come? Thank you.
Martinh_nord wrote:
I've never understood posts like this. GGG makes plenty of efforts to get it all up and running - Why would a scary boogieman in the horizon force them to do better? If D4 is coming, it is years down the line - Not exactly something to worry about for the mediate future.

But what is the point of this post? Is it a passive-aggressive attempt to say you are unsatisfied? Are you trying to get the mob to light the torches on "how bad it is on consoles?" Are you attempting to threaten GGG to make more effort, on the specific points that you don't like, by crying wolf?

Can we please move on from the D4 topic as it is not relevant for years to come? Thank you.

For years to come? I would note "for the coming year"
And yes this one says "our patience is not bottomless"
R4mpaMckvak wrote:

For years to come? I would note "for the coming year"
And yes this one says "our patience is not bottomless"

There's no way it is coming next year. If it was, it would have been unveiled already. Just look at the timeline for D3 from unveiling to release.

I am pretty happy with the state of PoE on PS4. Posts like this make it out to sound like every single player is unhappy and angry at the state of the game, which is not the case. Just because you yell the loudest, doesn't mean you get to speak on behalf of all the players, who are happy with the game and have no problem waiting and supporting GGG in fixing the bugs that are present.

I understand if you are upset, but posts like this doesn't make anyone take it seriously.

I was also quite satisfied with the game. There it went down (otherwise), otherwise until the high maps. While playing high maps, I didn't see the difference between viewing photos in the album or playing this game. I felt like I was receiving data at 4kb / s and watching 640x480 resolution. Why do you think no player has lvl 100 on the xbox? Is it really just in players?

They just point out that GGG does not fine-tune one version and starts the game on other devices and in other countries.

I like the game and have made some payments and I wanted to make additional payments, but it doesn't really deserve it right now.

And yes if I played at ps 4 where the game is 3 months old .. I would wave my hand and say "fine tunes". but when I see that this xbox situation has a long history ... I'm really disgusted and I'm not alone.

In conclusion:
Path of Exiles is a good game? : YES
GGG has a good idea? YES
She just wants to finish before something better comes.

And I'm sure the new Diablo will only want to mention it very soon for the sake of reparation
Dude, D4 really isn't going to be for a long time. D3 still hasn't been finished. Announcing D4 before getting all the classes in D3, and filling out the passives would be a death sentence for it.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.

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