<•K†B•> kthxbye [International/NA Primary] for upcoming SC Leagues

Name: kthxbye
Tag: <•K†B•>
Lead: dealface
Officers: EmeraldHeat, Kalelove, ShadyTree123, Narcasus, IRenu
Location: International/NA Primary
League: Legion and all upcoming SC Leagues

Started by a group of friends from hardcore league with a deep understanding of the game, we're here to help one another, fund each others builds, theorycraft, and hangout. We push hard every league and help one another, with a give before take mentality. We're looking for veterans with a similar mindset and goals. To keep it short we're here to enjoy end game together.

-public profile (so we can skip most of the screening)
-have a strong understanding of the game
-have discord
-active in guild chat/discord
-have a level 90+ in the current league

PM me or any of the officers with any questions or interest.
Good Vibes
IGN: raveswonderland
Last bumped on Jun 4, 2019, 6:56:28 PM
Good Vibes
IGN: raveswonderland
Good Vibes
IGN: raveswonderland
Good Vibes
IGN: raveswonderland

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