Trade Scammers all over PS4

What they do is post an item for sale at a really low price. Then when you place a matching bid, they refuse the trade and send you a link to their website where you can pay $USD for in game currency which is against the EULA / TOS.

The real simple fix here would be if a buyer matches a seller's price, it should go through immediately and automatically, like every other in-game auction house.

Screenshot: Person was selling 20 Jeweler's Orbs for 7 Alchs. I offered 10 and told them it was still too cheap. They refused and sent a link to their site.

On a side note, we console players also need a way to report EULA / TOS character name violations. It's really a cesspool.

Last bumped on May 27, 2019, 2:29:32 AM
ravenclaw77 wrote:
What they do is post an item for sale at a really low price. Then when you place a matching bid, they refuse the trade and send you a link to their website where you can pay $USD for in game currency which is against the EULA / TOS.

The real simple fix here would be if a buyer matches a seller's price, it should go through immediately and automatically, like every other in-game auction house.

Screenshot: Person was selling 20 Jeweler's Orbs for 7 Alchs. I offered 10 and told them it was still too cheap. They refused and sent a link to their site.

On a side note, we console players also need a way to report EULA / TOS character name violations. It's really a cesspool.

Same to me, and the same site!
I really think grinding gears partnered up with the scammers posting that website seeing they're not trying anything to stop it
Vash4-2-0 wrote:
I really think grinding gears partnered up with the scammers posting that website seeing they're not trying anything to stop it

How are you so sure? It's obvious that as far as console is concerned, even simple fixes are difficult to implement when the staff simply don't have the time and are forced to do higher-priority work.

Games developers also tend to go quiet when details of anti-cheat and anti-rulebreaking mechanisms are brought up: the more we know about how such a system is implemented, the easier it becomes to bypass.

Given the particular nature of this problem, an easy solution exists that shouldn't be too hard to implement - in fact I'd bet someone on the team is doing it as we speak.

The way these bots work, they send the same predictable message every time. If they're forced to mix-up their message for every single offer, their efficiency and feasibility goes out of the window.

To that end, all GGG has to do is keep a blacklist of known bot messages, and then compare every message anyone sends to that list. If a match is made, the account would be immediately banned.

Simce the bots are trying to advertise an URL, putting that URL in the blocklist would cause any account which posts that URL to be banned. If the bots try to censor-bypass the URL, each variation could be added to the blacklist. The same would happen if entirely new URLs started popping up.

That would make in-game messaging mostly unusable for this purpose. I would then expect the bots would upgrade, and use alternate methods to harvest the usernames of known players (ie. extract them from the ladders) so the messages can be sent directly to the players over PSN or XBox Live messaging. Depending on your privacy settings you may not see those, but if you do you'd also have the username of a bot account and can then directly reoort the messages to Sony/Microsoft.
ravenclaw77 wrote:
What they do is post an item for sale at a really low price. Then when you place a matching bid, they refuse the trade and send you a link to their website where you can pay $USD for in game currency which is against the EULA / TOS.

The real simple fix here would be if a buyer matches a seller's price, it should go through immediately and automatically, like every other in-game auction house.

Screenshot: Person was selling 20 Jeweler's Orbs for 7 Alchs. I offered 10 and told them it was still too cheap. They refused and sent a link to their site.

On a side note, we console players also need a way to report EULA / TOS character name violations. It's really a cesspool.

That was the same solution I also recommended. It seems like a pretty smart fix and would go a long way to curve scammers. Was also told by another user that the China version already has said feature.
Sony take breaches to it's EULA and rules of the Playstation Network VERY seriously; it's not only players who have to follow them, developers and publishers have their own rules they must abide by. To paraphrase one such rule, licensees must ensure that the safety and security of the platform and network are upheld. To this end, licensees must not intervene or limit use of the functionality provided by Sony to monitor or report in-game infractions (ie. the standard report system), otherwise they must implement robust and effective solutions of their own.

GGG is supposedly working on their own reporting system, so they're not immediately in breach of those terms. However Sony will expect such a system to be put in place swiftly, and no amount of "we don't have enough free developers to do it now, maybe in 3 months?" will do.

If PoE remains "the Wild West" of the PSN for too long, and enough people took their complaints to Sony, Sony could ORDER GGG to solve the problem at short notice or pull the game from the store until they're able to do so.
Asking GGG to police the problems is not realistic. How about a system to rate sellers. Let a buyer provide a rating of 1 to 5 for each transaction or pulled transaction. Let the scores be tied to the account so they dont dissappear at the end of a season and are displayed on their item(s) for sell. If a seller gets scores of 1 always show those on items for sell example:
Sales score - 3
Scores of one - 7

This might be a rough solution if it the programming is to too extensive.

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