please take away the chat box in the marketplace

scammers keep putting their stupid website trying to steal people's accounts and card info telling them to go to stupid [removed by support] it's really annoying and almost made me quit playing because they got so much things in the marketplace or just ban their psn and mark addresses
Last edited by Luca_GGG on May 15, 2019, 4:58:46 AM
Last bumped on May 18, 2019, 4:15:11 AM
I have never this issue on Xbox platform, maybe you're looking to fish some unreal offers. Like 1ex for 10c...
Reborn409 wrote:
I have never this issue on Xbox platform, maybe you're looking to fish some unreal offers. Like 1ex for 10c...

It's not something you can do on xbox that's why.

It has been happening on the PS since day one I believe, it used to happen on xbox but it was in the asking price not the rejection response.

Harder to tell who is doing it on PS without offering on each item to get the response.
PogoAttack84 wrote:

It's not something you can do on xbox that's why.

It has been happening on the PS since day one I believe, it used to happen on xbox but it was in the asking price not the rejection response.

Harder to tell who is doing it on PS without offering on each item to get the response.

Xbox has it too. It is the same website, though it is not a common as PS4. A few people I group with have had this happen in the last 2 weeks on Xbox.
TrueAchievements -

XboxClips -
Corrison wrote:
PogoAttack84 wrote:

It's not something you can do on xbox that's why.

It has been happening on the PS since day one I believe, it used to happen on xbox but it was in the asking price not the rejection response.

Harder to tell who is doing it on PS without offering on each item to get the response.

Xbox has it too. It is the same website, though it is not a common as PS4. A few people I group with have had this happen in the last 2 weeks on Xbox.

Guess I've been pretty lucky about not seeing that thus far.
I just wish grinding gears would do something instead of just ignoring us and let the spammers steal from people and let them just destroy the game but I guess they don't care all they want is them micro transaction money. if they don't do anything I guess I'll have to email playstation because letting stupid scammers steal peoples playstation accounts and card info is not right and Sony will stop it
Vash4-2-0 wrote:
Sony will stop it

You're right, they will. By banning the game from PSN. If GGG doesn't fix the issue, then they'll just lose money, and a lot of it. Sony won't lose anything by doing it either so, lol. Better jump on it GGG. Even if it's the player's own fault, and GGG claims they aren't responsible, it's still theft, and this game is the gate to said theft. Only 1 solution right? Ban the game. I'd rather not see that happen.
GGG could stop it but they don't care if banned the game will save people from getting their psn accounts and card info stolen it might have to be done they can just take the chat box off and bang no more scammers telling people about their stupid website and the game will make them no money so they'll leave

I know I'm not paying or anything else until they stop them stupid scammers posting them websites already put around $200-$300 into the game and so far that's all they care about is money they probably partnered up with the Chinese scammers posting that website
Last edited by Vash4-2-0 on May 18, 2019, 4:22:21 AM

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