Moljner tectonic slam build help

I'm looking for any input into this build. I'm not trying to get millions of DPS out of it, just make it a little easier to play with. It's fun to clear trash. A lot of trash is cleared from leap slam - mjolner trigger, which is pretty satisfying. But I'd like to squeeze out more dps/health if I can.

Here's the POB:

So, basically, I run with 2xMoljner and Inpulsa's. My main damage comes from Tectonic Slam - Multistrike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Physical to Lightning - Concentrated Effect - Elemental Focus.

The first moljner is socketed with Arc-Innervate-Controlled Destruction.

The second moljner has Spark - Shock Nova - Controlled Destruction.

I also run with Wrath and Conductivity - Blasphemy.

So far the shortcomings are single target, mana leech and life leech. I've had to use mana leech since tectonic slam uses about half my unreserved mana each cast. Life leech has made bosses a little easier, but because of my lowish health (5.2k), most red bosses can still be rippy.

I've also had to get a few crit jewels to increase uptime of elemental overload, but it still falls off occasionally.

I'm not married to any of the items, save inpulsa's and mjolner. I could swap out the second moljner for a weapon or shield. I think the helmet might be a place to upgrade, but I don't know what to do with it. My gloves and boots are what I had in my stash. I grabbed them initially for the resists. So there is room for changes, I'm just not sure what would be best.

I appreciate any help!
Last bumped on May 9, 2019, 11:03:12 PM
Take a look at this build that I threw together last month.

You can straight up replace lightning strike with tectonic slam and it'll work just fine.

Is this higher DPS than what you are running? Probably not, but it has 10k+ ES so it facetanks endgame content and never has any mana problems.

You are lacking attack speed in your build to take full advantage of the dual wield Mjolner. With 1 spell in each Mjolner, you'd need to hit 12 times a second to trigger them both at max efficiency.
Last edited by KiraPoE on May 9, 2019, 9:49:29 PM
Maybe try out Static Strike instead of Tectonic Slam? (Might as well focus on lightning damage instead of having a fire conversion attack skill)

Since you are juggernaut, increased duration support on Immortal Call seems like an overkill (since the duration increase only affect base duration 0.4 instead of total duration). If you are taking damage most of the time, you can link Wave of Conviction instead for exposure debuff. (Take out Divine Fury to make sure the highest damage type you deal is lightning, thus inflicting lightning exposure).

I'll toy around with static strike. It makes sense. I've just never used it before so I need to figure out the mechanics.

I'm also going to see if I can squeeze out any more attack speed. I haven't made it a big priority due to my mana issue. However, I might try to put conductivity as a curse on hit... maybe with herald of thunder or have it on nova and take out spark? This would free a bit of mana for me.

Toying around with POB I can get my attacks to 6.5 a second.

I also added wave of conviction. I don't need to drop divine fury, my minimum lightning damage is way higher than my maximum fire damage.

I'm going to mess around with this for a bit longer and then post another POB link. It looks like wave of conviction will help a lot. I'll probably lower the level of my cwdt setup for it though.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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