Ropus' DebeonSerker Charged Dash

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Ropus´ DebeonSerker


Hi, I´m Ropus and I´m going to share my debeon dirge for berseker build, it´s good for flashback race mainly because avoid the main meta(berseker is one of the less picked ascendancy) while still can clear the end game content. Of course, it will not be as good as a meta builds. The only thing I couldn´t do with this build is Uber elder.


Enduring cry will be spammed to sustain through Warbringer(25% life and mana + flat hp regen), generate rage and active Debeon's Dirge bonus.
Charge Dash will be our main skill and move skill as well.

Pros & Cons

  • fast (high move speed)
  • cheap
  • early power-spike
  • high sustain (leech + warcry + flask)
  • good elemental ailment (chill + freeze)

  • High level syndicate is hard
  • Hard to keep scaling the build
  • maps with obstacles is not good
  • I couldn´t do uber elder

Skill Trees lvl

Skill Tree lvl 90
For leveling take resolute technique and keep it until you can achive at least 90% hit chance, pay attention to minion nodes they give nothing until spiritual aid and Spiritual Comand

Skill Tree lvl 60
For leveling take resolute technique and keep it until you can achive at least 90% hit chance, while leveling you can take physical damage scaling like butchery and slaughter than respec when you go to debeon dirge


in this order:
  • War Bringer (huge regen and damage burst with rage, in this point you must have Battle Cry)
  • Aspect of Carnage (more Damage, fast clear)
  • Pain Reaver (more sustain less impact than other two)
  • Cloaked in Savagery (very bad ascendancy but is better to have than not having it)


Kill then all


Major God: Soul of Arakali (get all soul but the most important is Queen of Great Tangle for more hp gain with blood rage and immortal call)
Minor God: Soul of Tukhoma (More regen and physical reduction, you will be stationary all the time)


Main Item for the build, look for high edps

Start with deidbellow which gives you another onslaught(fast clear speed) than start looking for devoto with 15% more charged dash move speed(even faster than deidbellow) I prefer deidbellow over devoto but no one farms enchant in deidbellow so there is no chance to find the enchant and it is really important

also you can

I prefer a rare one crafted with t1 life essence over belly because is much cheaper, at maximum 50 c and a belly 6 link 4 ex at least... nevertheless mark of the elder is a good adiction to the build it is worth if you can find another good shaper ring.


I use overflowing chalice to refill and accelerate the clear speed, if you need more damage you can go another setup (less clear reliability)


  • 6L
    Charged Dash + Elemental Damage with Attacks + Hypothermia + Infused Channeling + Added Cold Damage + Cold Penetration
    in this exact order of importance

  • 6L
    Vaal Ancestral Warchief + Concentrated effect + Elemental Damage with Attacks + Added Cold Damage + Cold Penetration
    Secondary 6 L

  • 4L
    Vigilant Strike + Fortify + Enhance + Increased Duration (must have the vigil)

  • 2l
    Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call
    (Max Lvl)

  • free gems
    Arctic Armour + War Banner + Purity of Elements + Blood Rage + FrostBite

  • If you don´t have two 6L (Debeon 6L is expensive) you can improve your mapping experience with:
  • 3l
    Herald of Ice + Curse on Hit + Frostbite

Path of Building

FlashBack Diary

Day 1

  • Lvling Overview

Reached maps in approximately 7 hours, I used serrated recipe to refresh my weapon (weapon + yellow rustic sash + blacksmith's whetstone), than I got luck and dropped this weapon

so I used it with tectonic slam untill lvl 70, changed my tree a bit to use it, when i could afford a debeon's dirge and a deidbellow (1c and 4c respectively ), dropped purity of elements, respected some passives and picked elemental overload.
Leveling with this build was overall easy because of ascendancy warbringer
  • My current char lvl 75

  • PasteBin

Remember To use the numlock trick and good race!
Last edited by ropus on Jun 13, 2019, 12:10:50 PM
Last bumped on May 11, 2019, 5:43:24 PM

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