Feedback from console players :)

Hey, exile! Hi GGG Team

I am a new player of this game and I was very impressed by the game, but unfortunately I could not notice a few inequalities about against PC players.

Why xbox players don't have the chance to buy coins for the same price as PC players. Pc players can buy coins from as little as 5$, but we, Console players, need to buy some 18$ package to give us some cosmetic stuff and 200 game coins.

The game captivated me so much that I want to try out a variety of character and skill combinations, but I couldn't help but notice that the game was losing a lot of FPS and was getting stuck. Pc players have the option to set up the game for such cases (reduce textures, turn off shadows). I am aware that you cannot provide console players with such extensive graphics settings as PC players, but I think that some values ​​could be added.

Most of us play from the comfort of the couch and we have a few meters in front of us. After a few hours the game merges and marking out falling objects (it's about maps) is almost the same as marking other items.

Sorry if you don't understand me completely, because my English is not on such a good level, but I think we can arrange it :)
Last edited by R4mpaMckvak on May 6, 2019, 2:09:09 PM
Last bumped on May 7, 2019, 12:38:32 PM
On your last point, have you tried one of the other loot filters? I use semi-strict (the default I think is normal/regular) and the maps both have a unique sound when they drop as well as a square icon on the maps to highlight them nicely.

The setting to change the loot filter is at the bottom of the options page.
oh thx..i test it :)

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