[Fixed] Reduced Attribute Requirements Fractured mod has tiers inversed on advanced mod description

The fractured suffix "of the worthy" (18% reduced Attribute Requirements) is incorrectly shown as T1 tier on this helmet despite there being a higher tier "of the Apt" (32% reduced Attribute Requirements). The latter is listed as a T2 mod, which can be checked on the trade market.

The item level of the item is 76, which is clearly above the mod level requirement of 60. The highest tier is 1 for every other fractured mod, e.g. elemental resistances. I have no other explanation than this being a bug.

On that whim it would really help if the crafted tiers were from highest to lowest as well.....

Rarity: Rare
Corpse Keep
Nightmare Bascinet
Quality: +8% (augmented)
Armour: 262 (augmented)
Evasion Rating: 377 (augmented)
Level: 67
Str: 50 (augmented)
Dex: 69 (augmented)
Sockets: G
Item Level: 76
18% reduced Attribute Requirements (fractured)
+196 to Accuracy Rating
54% increased Armour and Evasion
+44% to Cold Resistance
Fractured Item

Last edited by Mollorcist on Sep 1, 2019, 9:45:18 AM
Last bumped on Sep 1, 2019, 9:44:13 AM
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This was fixed. Thanks a lot!

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