This will spread like the plague.

RMT has made its debut on the ps4 in-game trade market. RMT websites are auto-rejecting trades for exalts with an advertisement for their websites (seen in the photo below). Right now I only see this in the exalted orb market but its only a matter of time before it spreads. GGG, I know you don't want the responsibility of managing the market, but please, you gotta do something.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Al_GGG on May 1, 2019, 9:02:03 PM
Last bumped on May 12, 2019, 10:42:30 AM
If you click E to edit your post, Highlight your image link and press image just above the comment box it will put the pic in your post.

But that is definitely not a good thing to start seeing on console. I am glad I have not seen it on Xbox yet.

Edit - My second reply along with your link and 2nd link I posted were removed by support with no reason. Can we at-least get an acknowledgement that it is something that will be looked into? RMT's are against your TOS and this is a blatant violation of them by the seller and the website that was listed...
TrueAchievements -

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Last edited by Corrison on May 1, 2019, 11:01:57 PM
What sneaky little parasite's they are.

No doubt that this will be top priority once they are aware of this, and rightly so. What would a quick solution be though? Turn off the market until a solution is made and can be put in place?

Back when on the xbox we could enter item descriptions and they stuck all their ads in there, the quick fix was to disable that option, but what is a quick fix to this? I mean GGG won't let this happen without quick action. Maybe they will just have to disallow msg's sent on rejected offers now as well?


GGG does not have to disable trade comments - just fence them in (replace free form with drop box selection).

Preventing Sellers from responding with a counter offer would be a big step back in my opinion.
Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
GGG does not have to disable trade comments - just fence them in (replace free form with drop box selection).

Thats a totally viable option. Dunno how quick a fix that would be in developer terms though.

Preventing Sellers from responding with a counter offer would be a big step back in my opinion.

Absolutely it would be, but i mean they have to do something. Can't just allow parasite's to make easy money, piggybacking off of your hard work. Money that could potentially be used on micro-transaction's.

Curious to see how it plays out though.
SQUINT wrote:

Thats a totally viable option. Dunno how quick a fix that would be in developer terms though.

Exactly what I feel is the story of POE on Console so far (an opinion reinforced by the latest apology from Chris Wilson). Console Maintenance has been starved for resources (apparently by Platform Expansion). If it couldn't be fixed quick, it was left in place; if it couldn't be left in place, it was disabled. Maybe now things will change - hey, we could get back the ability for Sellers to make a comment on their initial offer (drop boxed of course).

It's a new day. It's a new dawn. And I'm fingers crossed.
Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
walkjohn55 wrote:
SQUINT wrote:

Thats a totally viable option. Dunno how quick a fix that would be in developer terms though.

Exactly what I feel is the story of POE on Console so far (an opinion reinforced by the latest apology from Chris Wilson). Console Maintenance has been starved for resources (apparently by Platform Expansion). If it couldn't be fixed quick, it was left in place; if it couldn't be left in place, it was disabled. Maybe now things will change - hey, we could get back the ability for Sellers to make a comment on their initial offer (drop boxed of course).

It's a new day. It's a new dawn. And I'm fingers crossed.

I'm right there with ya man :) I'm hoping that most all of our complaint's have long since been worked out on paper, and will now begin to get implemented tout suite. It's getting pretty deadsville in town zone's, and my sale's are few and far between for a couple weeks now.

Yesterday i tryed to buy a rats nest for 10c and got that reply
It was only a matter of time for RMT sellers to hit the ps4 version since the game is f2p, this would not be an issue if the game was buy to play.
RMT replies have hit Xbox today. Is there anything even being looked into? A way to report?
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