476 ES -%Cold Res Spider Hubris//2.3k EV 618 ES Sadist Garb

Just made these two pieces in the last couple of days.

Looking for a price check on these.
Last edited by Gryphenprey on Apr 2, 2019, 10:34:16 AM
Last bumped on Apr 3, 2019, 4:31:24 PM
Spider on a helm

Spider on a helm


It's easier to get resists on jewelry (where I previously had the aspect). Seemed like it would be better to put it on my helmet where i have an open suffix and buy a new amulet with more resists. You know, instead of yolo exalting life regen onto it. ^^
You could have Multi-modded it with INT+Qual and ES%+Life
HairyBotter wrote:
You could have Multi-modded it with INT+Qual and ES%+Life

It already had 2 suffixes, this wouldn't have worked, or I would have done that.

Pre: Blazing (T1 Flat ES)
Pre: Dauntless (T3 %ES)
Pre: Crafted Hybrid
Suf: -9% Cold Res
Suf: Delve ES%
Suf: Crafted Aspect

Really my options were Exalt slam (and probably brick) or just put the aspect there and upgrade a piece of jewelry for more resists.
Oh ya, didnt think bout delve ES.
If you need the aspect in your build, you made the right choice!
HairyBotter wrote:
Oh ya, didnt think bout delve ES.
If you need the aspect in your build, you made the right choice!

Yup! ^^

Still looking for PC on Chest.

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