WTB Opal Ring Specific Stats


To make it very simple, I need an Opal Ring like in the picture :

I accept ONLY Opal Ring!

Energy Shield is not required but extremly appreciated

T1 Dexterity is not necessary. T2 is also good for me


If you have Opal Ring with T2 Dexterity / ES or without ES and all other T1 mods:

Price 150ex

If you have Opal Ring with all T1 without ES:

Price 200ex

If you have Opal Ring with all T1 and ES (ES min T2):
Price One (1) Mirror

Contact me here (also pm) or ingame

IGN: Azzas

That's all. Thanks for watching!
Last edited by Azzeroz on Mar 14, 2019, 8:38:53 AM
Last bumped on Mar 15, 2019, 8:03:26 AM
might as well craft 1...cuz it's reall reallly really niche
Yeah I know that. But I still hope someone has one.

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