60M miner build with 85% phys damage reduction.

keep in mind GC hits 3 times wehn you have low aoe.

guide will be written soon. the build can reach 5.5k life, 2.2k mana potential at lvl 100. however with such damage reduction, no content outside of delve can bring your health below 70%

pob: https://pastebin.com/wDZde5Xw

Solving problems:

Mom, CI, Low life?

The idea was to push dps as much as possible. 2 things needed to push the dps to the limits, your build has to be able to use RF or Low life without giving much sacrifices.

Since i wanted to make a life build to be able to insta leech with 4L blade vortex.(and apply TC at the same time) i wanted to go for a life build. I considered high mana cost of 6L GC mine and the need of huge mana pool and mana regen to be able to handle this huge mana cost. I wasnt able to use much auras for the same reason and i needed my investments on mana to benefit me as something defensive too. So i have chosen to make a MoM build.

I had to decide now whether i should go for RF or Low life using Coward's Legacy. It's not possible to sustain RF while being effected by Vulnerability/or i didn't want to sacrifice one scepter for Atziri's Reflection and lose a lot of dps(even with RF). It is really hard to sustain RF generally without making huge sacrifices, in best case, you have to sacrifice one flask to ruby flask, have to get conc ground somehow and use life recovery rate belts. That works if you are mom and have decent mana regeneration.(which requires also sacrifices to be made) I've tried this version too, Even after all these augmentations the recovery rate of both and life wasn't promising, it's really an awful idea to rely on flask usage as Saboteur also. So i have chosen to use low life with Cowards Legacy. But how could i deal with Vulnerability?

Dealing with Coward's Legacy's downside & Choosing Helmet

I had to stack defenses somehow. But even with defenses lvl 20 Vulnerability with added curse effectiveness on top of that was quite impossible to deal with. I checked damage taken tab in pop calcs tab to see the status of my damage mitigation to phys damage. After all the considerations, i realized that I have to convert all phys damage taken to elemental.
Lighning Coil was a must in this case, Taste of Hate and helmet conversion are creating a perfect trinity of perfect defense against incoming phys damage. Honestly i was aiming to get highest damage as possible but end up having 85% physical damage reduction because i am covnerting 96% of the phys damage taken to elemental. At start, I was thinking of using an helmet with +1 mines but coward's legacy forced me to use an helmet which has 18% phys damage taken as X total. IT is still worth to consider using 8% conversion betrayal mod combined with +1 mine suffix helmet

Is it worth to Sacrifice one Chest piece and +1 mines for 30% more damage?

Yes. Cause miners need to be really really tanky. I'll try a squishy version with new Shroud of Eternity chest and 7l Mine helmets(or simply +1 mine helmet with good stats) and sacrificing cowards legacy to another belt and see the resulsts as well

Decisions at Tree, earlier versions, tankier versions


first build was looking like this.
http://poeurl.com/chqb tree was like this.

so this spec has better resistances and slightly less dps yet lacks the movespeed and the mine laying speed that the unnatural instinct version has. This has also better mana regeneration which is needed.

first version which was totally theoretical: https://pastebin.com/9hWkWQgV

Item Decisions & alignin resistances for Wise Oak while using LC
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus on Mar 5, 2019, 11:12:18 AM
Last bumped on Mar 10, 2019, 1:31:45 PM
Ah Mcain you’ve done it again!

2 Mirrored Legacy Sceptres, Mirrored Amu, Elder Ess Worm, Legacy Taste of Hate,
and tons of more rediculously good gear,


lvl 20 Hatred? Aww dude :D
HairyBotter wrote:

2 Mirrored Legacy Sceptres, Mirrored Amu, Elder Ess Worm, Legacy Taste of Hate,
and tons of more rediculously good gear,


lvl 20 Hatred? Aww dude :D

lol i actually laughed loud on this one
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Didn't wanna skrew u over,
yet it made me smile aswell^^

huge gear^^

i never liked the Miner-Playstyle, but i saw its effects.
and with this gear... wow.

Purity of Ice for Uelder? Do u even need to move at all? :D
Thanks : )

Miner play style is a bit boring, you are right. i link minefield or even aoe gem together and switch one of the gems to long winter jewel to increase my clear speed, however even then the clear speed is nowhere near of bowyers, wanders etc.

boss fights became trivial with GC miners, i can one shot shaper with 4 mines from full health(i'll record it soon) but sometimes while mapping you may get surrounded by enemies and get stunlocked for a while. That's the only encounter that you Saboteur blinds nearby enemies and that helps a lot.

For delve content in deeps it's handy to link curse on hit + TC to BV and keep BV spinning around you all the time.

vinktar is life saver while BV blades are on.

i just had huge accumulation of exalts and wanted to push a archetype of build to the limits, i hope it's inspiring enough for someone.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus on Mar 5, 2019, 11:24:27 AM
https://pastebin.com/txA1Qvaw a more offensive variant for dps enthusiastc people. at 15th wither stack you can get 135M dps. good e-penis right there. but i'd rather stick to tanky variant.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus on Mar 5, 2019, 12:52:55 PM
starting delve soon?
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
BV feels safer than miner just because of easy TC curse application.

i nmeed some key items to be ripped from HC league, then i can start delving.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus on Mar 9, 2019, 11:15:01 AM
which stuffs u waiting?
IGN : Bondisk, Champion, Vegadisk
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